Ethical Truth and Ethical Practices for Inviduals, Businesses and Nations, Through the Lens of Benedict XVI’s Caritas in Veritate

I gave a lecture last Fall at the Integritas Institute at UIC.

The lecture can be heard here.

I manage to mash-up the Pope with some economics and history, and some war stories, and C.S. Lewis and I even get Hayek in there at the end.

2 thoughts on “Ethical Truth and Ethical Practices for Inviduals, Businesses and Nations, Through the Lens of Benedict XVI’s <i>Caritas in Veritate</i>”

  1. Interesting, I listened to about half of it, may try to catch the second half this weekend. I love accents, and it is still apparent that you “ain’t from ’round here” with that heavy Boston accent on your a’s and ah’s. (i.e. gahrbage, prahfit, hahrmful, etc.) I love accents since I have none, being from the Midwest originally :).

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