4 thoughts on “Shana Tova / שנה טובה”

  1. L’Shanah Tovah Tikatev v’Taihatem

    May you be inscribed and sealed for a good year.

    A year of Health.

    A year of Prosperity.

    A year of Happiness.

    And, for us and for all of Israel,

    A year of peace.

    With our Love and Blessings

  2. A Prayer for Peace After Psalm 122

    Pray for the peace of Jerusalem;
    May those who love you find peace.
    May there be peace within your walls,
    And serenity within your palaces.
    For the sake of my family and my friends, I will speak of peace in your midst.
    For the sake of the House of God, I will pray for your prosperity.
    Baruch atah Adonai, ha’poreis sukat shalom aleinu, v’al-kol-amo-yisrael v’al yrushalayim.
    Blessed is the Lord, who spreads his shelter of peace over us, over the whole people Israel and over Jerusalem.

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