The Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy is Alive and Well

Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid (D NV) and Minority Whip Richard Durbin (D IL) took the press to the woodshed for its coverage of DNC Chairman Howard Dean’s recent pronouncements, including his observations that Republicans are “liars,” “evil,” “corrupt,” “brain-dead,” and almost uniformly “White Christians” who have “never made an honest living in their lives.” Sen. Durbin attributed the continuing media attention to the baneful influence of the right wing and Fox News, and chided the more sensible parts of the media for following along, instead of running more stories about all the wonderful things the Democrats would like to do for us. He probably wouldn’t mind seeing more ink “invested” in Abu Ghraib, WMDs, the Downing Street memo, and Guantanamo, either. Or the Michael Jackson trial. It’s not polite to stare. Or to laugh and point.

If they get rid of the good doctor, I hope Sen. Durbin is available.

6 thoughts on “The Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy is Alive and Well”

  1. “Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid (D NM)”

    Not from my state. He’s (D NV). We just got the ineffectual weasel Bingaman (D NM) thank you. And we’ll be stuck with him as long as the state Republicans remain a good o’boy hobby club rather than a serious organization.

    Sorry, I didn’t mean to add to your misery. I fixed it.

  2. Pingback: Mark in Mexico
  3. I wonder what would happen if a republican made even a tenth of the comments Dean has made lately. It would not be something about how everyone misspeaks at times. It would be that he should be horsewhipped for those remarks that were so divisive of the country. The two-faced aspect of the democratic party never ceases to amaze me. The days when the two parties worked together to get thins done are evidently a thing of the past. After all, the only reason we had a Civil Rights Bill was that Sen Dirksen of sainted memory pushed it through.

  4. On Monday, James Taranto ran a great item contrasting Dean with Ken Mehlman, his GOP counterpart.
    Really shows the difference between the two, but of course his respectful tone doesn’t get much mention.

    Maybe I’m not caring enough, but I don’t view the defense of Dean by Reid, et al, as anything more than the rallying of the troops, and more in response to and attempting to deflect the rebukes from the likes of John Edwards.

    Dean is his own worst enemy. But unfortunately for Democrats, he may be their worst enemy now, too.
    For now, at least.

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