L. C. Rees provided us a fantastic resource in his post Crap Cleaner. I thought I would provide probably the only thing I can contribute to helping anyone with computer woes.
Below is a photo of my desk at work. On top of the giant PC is an HP Simple Save. You should get this, or something like it using the amazon link at the header of this blog.
No matter what you do or how diligent you are, eventually things break. I am very sensitive with my spam filters, anti-virus and all the rest, but six months or so ago my PC just plain ‘ol died. And I mean dead. Wouldn’t turn on.
The HP Simple Save runs silently in the background, basically making a copy of your hard drive every five minutes or so (or however you have it set). It is so easy to set up, even I could do it.
Well the real test was when my PC died. I have several hundred spreadsheets, pricers and technical documents on it, as well as photos, video, email contacts and all the rest. I just took the Simple Save, plugged it in to my new PC and BOOM everything was instantly installed on my new PC. It wasn’t perfect, I will admit, but with a few adjustments, everything was back to normal by the end of the afternoon. I would have thrown myself off of a tall building if I didn’t have the backup and had to re-create those spreadsheets.
And the 40 oz. isn’t my lunch, it is evidence for a recent crime in my parking lot. People partying and littering out there are going to get caught with my new security cams.