The photos from Iran are genuinely heartbreaking. You have unarmed men, women and students, out peacefully protesting that an election has been obviously stolen, and illiterate thugs, many whom are not even Iranian citizens, come out and attack them with truncheons and batons and take them away in the dead of night. THEIR RIGHTS TO FREE ELECTIONS HAVE BEEN STOLEN.
Where are the protests in the USA and London? I am talking about the local art schools, the ones that couldn’t get enough of protesting the Iraq war and similar types of incidents, that close so that all the students can flood the streets? The anarchists all in black smashing store windows? Where are they?
And now in China, after the government cracked down on Tibet (thanks, Beastie Boys, for all their support, it helped a lot) they are now going after other indigenous groups with mobs of bat wielding Han Chinese citizens specifically imported in to take over the local province. They are threatening executions, too. THEIR RIGHTS TO INDIGENOUS CUSTOMS AND SELF DETERMINATION ARE BEING STOLEN.
And what about protesting the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan? I guess since they are now Obama’s wars, not such a big deal anymore.
The odd thing is that our “protest class” has been specifically groomed since childhood to view one thing and one thing only as “evil” and protest worthy – basically white Republicans (it isn’t a male thing – look at Palin). This is what gets their ire and gets them to the street, not the actual level of injustice.
And if you met these protesters in person – their arrogance is breathtaking. Their most immediate attack on Republicans is that they are all “hypocrites”. Since most of you don’t live in a major city that is all-Obama you probably don’t run into them as often as I do. But what type of hypocrisy ignores these obvious types of injustices and focuses only on a certain subset?
This isn’t a “generational” thing – look at who is fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan – an all volunteer force that is the best and most professional military that ever walked the planet – and they are young people of roughly the same age as the “protest class”.
Protesting against Republicans is all that they have been taught, and all that they know.