Plastic Bertrand, Ca Plane Pour Moi (1977)

6 thoughts on “Plastic Bertrand, Ca Plane Pour Moi (1977)”

  1. I’m sure you’ve heard Elton Motello’s version, “Jet Boy, Jet Girl.” The Bamboo Kids do a great cover of it.

  2. The Damned did JBJG too.

    Amazingly, I first heard this on WMEX in Boston on a little AM radio one night, and I got the first little taste of punk rock energy and felt the thrill that would be a major part of my life. I remember the moment very clearly, sitting on the lawn of the next door neighbor’s house and shushing people so I could hear it — and saying “whoa, what is this?” — or words to that effect. So this song, absurd as it is, has a special place for me.

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