Daniel Hannan Speaking at the Heritage Foundation about his book Inventing Freedom: How the English-Speaking Peoples Made the Modern World

Mr. Hannan gave a superb speech at the Heritage Foundation on November 22, 2013.

The speech is based on Mr. Hannan’s book Inventing Freedom: How the English-Speaking Peoples Made the Modern World.

The Heritage site says this:

The core of his thesis is this: It is the English-speaking world, the “Anglosphere” (UK, Ireland, India, USA, Canada, Australia, … ) that somehow came to view the law as an ally of freedom rather than an instrument of state control. It is that very elevation of the individual over the state, in the law, that has brought us freedom and prosperity. In America and Britain, says Hannan, that principle has been taken for granted so long that now we risk losing it.

Starting around 49:00 Mr. Hannan describes a technologically advanced future which is clearly based on America 3.0, though he does not mention the book by name. Mr. Hannan gave America 3.0 a rave review, so we know he liked it!