“The Self-Designing High-Reliability Organization”

An interesting article about aircraft carrier flight operations from the standpoint of organization design.

A hundred things I have no control over could go wrong and wreck my career . . . but wherever I go from here, I’ll never have a better job than this. . . . This is the best job in the world.–Carrier commanding officer.

I printed this article out a while back, and recently found it again…If I remember correctly, I first discovered it via Chapomatic.

I wonder if Neptunus Lex would agree with the article’s portrayal of carrier life.

UPDATE: Thoughts on the article, and on the current challenges in carrier operations, in comments at this Neptunus Lex post. Follow the link to the article on the “millenial generation” of sailors and read the comments to that article.

3 thoughts on ““The Self-Designing High-Reliability Organization””

  1. Thank-you for this.That is why I love this blog and the blogosphere in general. For those with the wit to appreciate it there are great treasures.

  2. Thanks for the shout–I did mention it in 2004 and again in ’06 as part of a reading list for change in organizations.

    The article appeared in a Naval War College “best-of” a good while back, and it’s easy to see why.

    Nice to see my typing wasn’t wasted!

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