Sad and Disturbing…but not Surprising

McCain/Palin supporters walk through the Upper West Side of Manhattan.

Affluent liberals and “progressives” respond with the grace, class, and tolerance that we have come to expect of them.

(via Neptunus Lex)

UPDATE: See also my 2004 post an incident at the movies. I’d bet there is a 90% overlap between the kinds of people booing this recruiting film and the kinds of people snarling at the McCain supporters in the above video.

Also, be sure and read Ginny’s post.

UPDATE 2: Bookworm writes about another example of “progressive” rage at anyone who dares disagree with them.

18 thoughts on “Sad and Disturbing…but not Surprising”

  1. Why not? this is their right and this is America and they are not tossing rocks etc…do you think Obama et al get nice treatmwent from GOP folks when in their territory? I have seen in my area some of the racist stuff that goes up about Obama, so that represents conservative values, right?

    try a little impartially, and post this sort of nonsense when Obama supporters begin tossing rocks.

  2. Well, you dare not put a McCain bumper sticker on your car if you park in the faculty parking lot at any college these days. I suspect it would take less than a half hour for significant vandalism to occur. Isn’t this the same thing as the Manhattan march?

  3. Why should people not express their displeasure with the annointed successors of the current Administration.

    If you think about it, it is easy. They promoted and supported policies that:

    – Promoted wars based upon documented lies that have killed over 4000 of our soldiers and injured over 30,000 others, that killed hundreds of thousands of Iraqis, mostly civilian and displaced additional millons, wars that have no forseeable end, no sustainable gain and little chance of ever meeting any of their own stated objectives.

    – Greatly harmed our international standing and diminished our miltary

    – Devasted our economy

    – Politicized our Intelligence and Justice departments so as to at best, make them unreliable, as worst, make them a danger to Americans.

    – Have added trillions in national debt, soaking the taxpayer and undermined our National Security and have lost scores of billions in corrupt contracting in Iraq and elsewhere.

    – Undermine the competive economy though special interest legislation and policies that subsidize favored industries such as Energy, Big Parma, and Banking/Finance and used the tools of Socialism to enrich the few.

    Why would ayone, particulaly true conservatives whose name has been so misused, endorse this administration’s designated successor?

  4. “Why should people not express their displeasure with the annointed successors of the current Administration. ”

    Because they become ogres. The emotionalism, overwrought, and even, barbaric behavior dismisses rational argument and embraces emotion alone.

    BTW KeithP, your bullet points may have validity but would be more convincing if you acknowledged the positions that are counter to yours and explain why your points are superior. Like the rudeness displayed in the video, if one can’t acknowledge another point of view it begins to be an example of Bush Derangement Syndrome.

  5. Why should people not express their displeasure with the annointed successors of the current Administration.

    If you think about it, it is easy. They promoted and supported policies that:

    – Promoted wars based upon documented lies that have killed over 4000 of our soldiers and injured over 30,000 others, that killed hundreds of thousands of Iraqis, mostly civilian and displaced additional millons, wars that have no forseeable end, no sustainable gain and little chance of ever meeting any of their own stated objectives.

    OK, lessee:
    1) “Documented lies” is itself a complete and utter lie, proven so often that you are either an idiot or a lying charlatan to repeat it. There is a MASSIVE difference between a “lie” and an “legitimate error”. But that doesn’t matter to lying libtards, does it?
    2) “wars that have no forseeable end”
    a) You mean like Bosnia, where we still have troops?
    b) The reason there has been next to no coverage of Iraq for the last six months is because the end is easily in sight. There is not a single rational individual who does not see a substantial drawdown in the number of troops present in Iraq in the next two years.
    c) “no sustainable gain” Really? Tell that to the 24 MILLION people who no longer have to fear Saddam’s Progeny and their Rape Room and Specialty Ground Meat Emporiums. Also: last time I checked, the chance for WMDs coming out of Iraq in the next 10 years? Zero. Chance before the war (by the inspector’s own commentaries)? 100%.
    d) “little chance of ever meeting any of their own stated objectives”. Really? Funny, that’s not how the AP sees it:
    Analysis: Stable Iraq could influence Mideast
    As long as Obama doesn’t get elected, Thee Bush Doctrine is almost certain to attain its goals in Iraq.

    – Greatly harmed our international standing and diminished our miltary
    Really? I think getting a fully functional and trained antiguerrilla and antiterrorist force is a funny kind of “diminishment”. And as far as “harming our international standing”, well, I haven’t seen recent figures, but as of about 2 years ago, our standing in the ME had improved across the board just about everywhere but Palestine between 15% and 25% over the time preceding the war.

    – Devasted our economy
    Yes, the *14* different attempts by the GOP and Bush to reign in and implement increased oversight and fiscal responsibility over the Fannie Maes since Bush took office which failed due to constant obstructionism by Democrats in the Finance and Banking committees — it’s obviously Bush’s fault.

    – Politicized our Intelligence and Justice departments so as to at best, make them unreliable, as worst, make them a danger to Americans.
    What, by continuing usage of Project Echelon and the usage of Extraordinary Rendition, both implemented by Bill Clinton, you mean?

    – Have added trillions in national debt, soaking the taxpayer and undermined our National Security and have lost scores of billions in corrupt contracting in Iraq and elsewhere.
    …As opposed to corrupt contracting in Chicago and elsewhere?

    – Undermine the competive economy though special interest legislation and policies that subsidize favored industries such as Energy, Big Parma, and Banking/Finance and used the tools of Socialism to enrich the few.
    Yes, the GOP is the force behind Socialism in America. Mmm-Hmmm.

    Tell me. How, exactly, did you manage to penetrate the dimensional barrier between your Earth, where such a thing could even be VAGUELY imagined as true by an even remotely sane person, and OUR Dimension, where only a complete lunatic could make such a preposterous statement with a straight face?

    … Because this technique of yours — it could open new vistas for the economy.

    Why would anyone, particulaly true conservatives whose name has been so misused, endorse this administration’s designated successor?
    Because, while one can readily take issue with this admin’s ELECTED successor, taking him to task for many things, and thus not be happy voting FOR him, it is quite evident to even an utter FOOL that one can certainly find necessary, and sufficient, cause to vote AGAINST his opposition.

    A voting history which totally follows the party line (despite being supposedly against the ‘status quo’), a history of highly questionable associations (Rezko, Ayers, Wright, and many more), a complete lack of even the most trivial actual executive experience, and the self-evident fact that the ONLY reason he’s even being considered AT ALL is for the inherently RACIST reason of his skin color.

    Blatantly socialist attitudes, an imbecilic failure to grasp the limits of “alternative” energy technologies, an unwillingness to push nuclear technologies for energy, complete ignorance of the folderol behind “Anthropogenic Global Warming”, open support for the reinstatement of the Fairness Doctrine, an incapability of understanding the limits of Soft Power, failure to grasp the manner in which prices are set in his continued rejection of offshore drilling, rejection of the option of using Oil Shales and Tar Sands for oil development.

    All of those constitute ample reason to vote AGAINST Obama no matter how weak one’s support for McCain is. As a matter of fact, they highlight just how INEPT and INCOMPETENT Obama would be as PotUS — to the point where an Obama presidency will make the presidency of Jimmy Carter look positively Reaganesque.

    So — Yeah, anyone not suffering from an incredibly bad case of Cranio-Rectal Insertion Syndrome would grasp just why one needs to support and vote for McCain.

  6. The spectators were rude, yes, but the comments in the video compared their behavior to running people out of town, tarring and feathering them, throwing them to lions. That seems overwrought. Violent suppression of dissent is exactly what *didn’t* happen, in spite of the obvious hostility of the crowd.

  7. Rude is bad enough. I don’t think anyone benefits if people who don’t agree won’t be civil to each other. There is blame to go around but the Left seems much worse in this regard. Their hypocrisy in preaching tolerance to everyone but themselves makes it easy for those of us who disagree with them to be cynical about their intentions.

  8. Look, the parade, through a street fair on the overwhelmingly liberal Upper West Side, was clearly a stunt intended to provoke exactly the reactions it did. Then the video is posted so that conservatives can express their righteous outrage. It’s all so Pavlovian and manipulative. And frankly, it’s posts like this, and the debased tone of the accompanying commentary, that have me visiting this site less and less.

  9. Is there any place out there where liberals can parade provoking the same reaction from conservative crowds other than a republican convention or assembly? Are there any streets liberals need to restrain from publicly showing their political preferences for fear of being insulted?

  10. “Look, the parade, through a street fair on the overwhelmingly liberal Upper West Side, was clearly a stunt intended to provoke exactly the reactions it did.”

    It’s not just street fairs. We with conservative views have horror stories of being shouted at in casual conversations at the workplace and over the Thanksgiving turkey. Maybe libs experience it too, but I don’t think so.

  11. do you think Obama et al get nice treatmwent from GOP folks when in their territory?

    So, by changing the topic (tu quoque) you agree that the reactions were over the top?

    But to answer your question, coming from a reliably conservative congressional district, yes, I think a street march by Obama and/or his supporters would *not* be met with the same vitriol.

  12. > I think a street march by Obama and/or his supporters would *not* be met with the same vitriol.

    Well, Obama, yes, because enough out there would detest who he himself is — but probably not a march by those in support of him.

  13. Fred,

    It is certainly true that there are knucklehead conservatives out there that would do this sort of thing, but the point is that the liberals are supposed to be all embracing and accomodating of other viewpoints. This video simply points out the hypocrisy of that general impression that liberals have of themselves.

    Also, taken as a whole, conservatives cause much, much, much fewer problems in the civic arena with this sort of thing..just take a look at any convention, publich presidential appearance.

    When Clinton was president, he had conservative detractors, but you didn’t see middle aged conservatives out blocking traffic, getting arrested on purpose, storming lectures by invited guests at universities and all those sorts of things. It surely happened somewhere at some time, of course, but on par, a mere sliver of the kind of adolescent self-medicating “protest” that you see from liberals…

    Dissent is one thing, but liberals carry it to far…they block traffic, chain themselves to crap, lie in roads, pretend to be dead bodies, you name it to protest the liberal travesty du jour…

    It is, at best…tiresome….

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