Robert Novak, 1931-2009, Reporter

Always love your country — but never trust your government!

Robert Novak

(His memoir, Prince of Darkness is supposed to be good. Thomas Sowell’s review here.)

Also, see this:

The fact is that Novak, as he would disclose in his autobiography, actually admired very few politicians. He wrote that he found the first politicians he covered less impressive than the athletic coaches he had covered as a young reporter — “an impression of the political class that did not change appreciably in a half-century of sustained contact.”

Michael Barone says the man and his books will live on.

5 thoughts on “Robert Novak, 1931-2009, Reporter”

  1. I read “The Exercise of Power” about LBJ by him for a high school biography project. His writing style in that book and his columns was a mixture of his own analysis with the exclusives he was reporting on.

    I appreciate that he always spoke his mind and was not keen on hedging his bets or disguising an opinion to be politically astute or more tolerable to others. He also could admit he was wrong. How refreshing for someone in the media!

  2. The memoir is good-I read it,but don’t take my word.The astute Thomas Sowell read it and was impressed.

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