Tired of it All

So it seems that Baltimore (or maybe I should call it Balti-less) has decided to go all out, screw their civic courage to the sticking-point, and prosecute the police officers involved in the curious and to date unexplained death of Freddy Grey while in custody of those aforementioned officers for murder. Well, yay them, I suppose, although the fearless public prosecutor certainly may have overcharged in general and overcharged regarding the officers in charge, not to mention releasing the wrong personal details regarding two of those charged. Apparently, those details age, middle initials, occupation, addresses, etc. are those of two completely different people with the same first and last name. This does not bode well, making a goof like this right off the bat.

Texas, of course, had their own interesting kerfuffle, in the suburb of Garland the other night, when a couple of impulsive ISIS wanna-bes decided to hop into their car and go on a road trip to shoot up an art show based on prize-winning drawings of Mohammad. Elton and Nadir’s Excellent Jihad Adventure came to an abrupt end in the parking-lot entrance. Apparently the pair of ISIS-America’s finest volunteer warriors were not expecting any kind of security at the event, or resistance from on-duty police, and charged in with guns blazing … to be taken out by the cop on traffic duty with his side-arm, according to some reports. Don’t Mess With Texas it’s more than just an anti-littering slogan. Whatever else can be said of law enforcement officers in Texas, this incident and the one in December involving a crazed gunman on the rampage in Austin, who was nailed with a single shot from a pistol at more than 300 feet by an officer who had the reins of two horses in his other hand they spend a fair amount of time on the range. Must be a holdover frontier tradition, I guess.

Early in 2006, I meditated on the problem of violent Islam, and my exhaustion with it, even then:

Whatever the Islamic outrage du jour is, we are tired of it. We are tired of easily-set off mobs, burning and murdering, of hatred preached in mosques and middle-eastern newspapers, of vile insults and lies, of beheadings and bombs, of bullying and threats, of rapes and mutilations and the oppression of women, and the usual slickly-suited creatures oozing justifications for it on the TV and radio afterwards. We are tired of the same old whine about persecution by the same creatures whose co-religionists practice persecution with vigor and keen enjoyment. We are tired to exhaustion of the Islamic worlds’ tattered woobie of the Palestinian people, taken out and shaken about whenever interest flags never never mind that the so-called Palestinian people seem to have suffered more at the hands of their so-called friends than they have gotten from their ostensible enemy … We are tired of being told we have to understand, to respect and to tolerate and yet to see that that understanding, respect and toleration is not reciprocated in any meaningful way, in most of those places where Islam meets the other.

We are tired of being hectored about getting to know the Koran, and the Islamic street; especially since the more we get to know it, the more we dislike it, all of its works and ways; prejudices, ignorance and barbarities on full display, courtesy of the unfiltered blog media. We are just tired, tired of being tolerant and calm and understanding and enduring. We want to think the best of people, truly we do”” but there is a limit, and someday ”” probably terrifyingly soon it will be reached. I hope, personally, that it will not be tomorrow or the day after, when the last patient nerve is shredded into microscopic threads and the limit has been reached. If and when that happens, the going will get really, really ugly.


31 thoughts on “Tired of it All”

  1. Yeah, I got pretty sarcastic about the Boston Marathon bombers as well: The Beantown Blaster Brothers, Jockstrap and Speed-bump.
    Makes me feel better, pouring derisive scorn on them, anyway.

  2. As far as the B’more mess, I don’t think it’s a goof. My theory is that it’s the classic, “not letting a crisis go to waste”, a perfect storm as it were, for yet another show trial. These three recent intifadas all occurred in a manner where DOJ and their cat’s paws on-scene know almost immediately that the evidence leans toward an acquittal, and that upon the dismissal of charges, light the fuse that’s been set. The Staten Island incident however wasn’t going to play well, because the defense would have been all over the arresting Sergeant, who did not fit the script. But, the case was still motivational fodder for cop-killers on the street, as another was recently killed in NYC. In Garland, “the system worked” to borrow Big Sis’ phrase. The local govt. isn’t going to play ball (I hope) with the Commies, and go after those who do their job.

    Regarding the other matter (related) I was in NYC THAT day. I recently spoke to an acquaintance, I asked about a mutual friend. hShe has not gone back to work since.

  3. One jihadist who really got me was some Muslim from Serbia – rescued by the US and allowed to come here – then caught by the FBI trying to blow up something. This was some years ago.

    On Garland – some discussion on a group I’m in – and one WAG suggested that we re-bait the trap.

    I’m with you – getting pretty sick of those who can’t play nice. Intolerant of others in their own countries and now want to come here.

  4. What happened was we were flying AC-130s in close air support for a Kurdish attack against Sarrin, a town just outside of Kobani.

    Here’s the latest battle map. The initial report from correspondents in the vicinity was that Daesh fighters were getting chewed to bits by the Spectres so they ran into civilian homes which then got hit. However, now there’s some confusion about whether it happened at all as the reports had given a location that was evacuated weeks ago. CENTCOM is now denying it FWIW.

    The bottom line is that if any civilians are getting hurt, it’s Daesh’s fault plain and simple. They are all evil, cowardiced bastards, and the sooner we can kill most if not all of them, then the more civilians we will save.

  5. Incidentally, here’s what the situation looked like a couple months ago. The Kurds are literally fighting for every inch of land, gaining a few kilometers a week. They’ve been messing around with suicidal holdouts in those grain silos for months. A few thousand pound JDAMs would probably take care of that problem, but they apparently want to keep the infrastructure intact, which only makes it that much harder.

    The lines along the eastern flank have solidified for now with most of the action around Sarrin. They need Sarrin to secure the highway (yellow line in this map and green line in the previous map) which will allow them to link up with forces in the NE and/or possibly threaten Daesh Central in Raqqah.

    It’s also possible these civilian death stories are being pushed by the Assad regime to put the brakes on the Kurdish advance. They’ve had a lot of activity in the NE also to offset Kurdish momentum.

  6. “who was nailed with a single shot from a pistol at more than 300 feet”: I’m astonished that that’s even possible under any sort of stress. My father’s account of people using revolvers – including him, and he was a decent shot – during The War was that you could see why it might be wiser to carry a Sten gun.

  7. Sgt Mom,

    Your connecting of Baltimore with “Elton and Nadir’s Excellent Jihad Adventure” is spot on.

    Both are markers for the American Left and its branding of the Democratic Party with racial rioting and protecting foreign terrorist who will kill American at home.

    The main stream media’s “Victim blaming” Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer for the “Draw Mohammed” contest are trying to “Pim Fortuyn” them for a Muslim or Leftist aligned activist assassination.



    Pim Fortuyn was a grass roots, Gay, populist, Dutch politician who wanted to stop Muslim immigration because it was a threat to the Dutch welfare state and Civic liberalism.

    He was both very popular with white Dutch and hated by both Dutch political elites and the Dutch media. The media hate campaign was such that an unbalanced leftist assassinated Pim_Fortuyn.



    Fortuyn was assassinated during the 2002 Dutch national election campaign by Volkert van der Graaf. In court at his trial, Van der Graaf said he murdered Fortuyn to stop him from exploiting Muslims as “scapegoats” and targeting “the weak members of society” in seeking political power.

    The Pim Fortuyn List won 17% of the vote after his murder in 2002, but fell apart without him. Today the Party for Freedom, led by Geert Wilders, had emerged as a successor. Which is both why Geert Wilders is under death threat by Muslims and why he associated with Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer.

    It is very apparent that the same sort of media hate campaign that killed Pim_Fortuyn has now been kicked off in America with both Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer as targets.

    The problem here is that Americans are not Dutch.

    Violence against popular American Right Wing media figures will be met with reciprocal and intensified violence by the Right against its perceived enemies.

  8. Mom’s original post speaks to a good deal of the weariness we have with our enemies — foreign and domestic. With a very slight rewording it could apply to queer marriage or gun control.

    And they *are* our enemies. This is not some honest misunderstanding. This is civilizational warfare, winner take all.

  9. Dearie, it was a pretty amazing shot and the local news coverage at the time made it pretty clear. They also made note that he was a mounted officer – and was minding a pair of horses at the time. Shades of the wild west, indeed.
    Trent – yes, know all about Pym Fortuyn and his murder. Just one more indication of how things fly apart and the center can’t hold. I’m looking at all the squealing about “how you shouldn’t have provoked the muzzies, you know how violent they are, this is your fault!” and shaking my head. How can you say you have free speech if you have been intimidated by threats of violence (or accusations of being “intolerant”) into keeping silent? Really?!

    Either you have free speech, and EVERYTHING is open for discussion, or you don’t. It’s an either-or, not a “well, but for this exemption…”

  10. The war on Blue is a classic power struggle of the Central Power against the regional and local ones.

    Politics is Power. Any Political Struggle is a Power Struggle.

    Plenary or Broad Police Powers are held locally. The Central Government cannot constitutionally command a local police dept to do anything, they answer to the mayor, county Sheriff [who’s elected] or the Governor if State Law Enforcement.

    The goal of DOJ and their allies on the Left is if not an outright Federalized National Police Force then as many local departments as possible bending the knee to a DOJ letter of consent to be supervised by DOJ.

    Baltimore PD hasn’t bent the knee. Baltimore County Detention has, had Gray died in their custody this would have never hit the news.

    To further complicate matters all MD LEO are protected by LEBOR – Law Enforcement Bill of Rights passed in 1967, making them harder to subdue.

    The ACLU is calling this Struggle “Black Spring.” Their term not mine. Black Spring and no doubt Bloody Summer.

    Blue is now the Front Line of Liberty.

  11. “screw their civic courage to the sticking-point…overcharged…releasing the wrong personal details regarding two of those charged.”

    Screw the pooch to the sticking point?

  12. “Violence against popular American Right Wing media figures will be met with reciprocal and intensified violence by the Right against its perceived enemies.”

    I certainly hope so. I have not yet purchased an AR 15 but am thinking about it.

    We are losing the culture war and I am not even much of a participant in it. I am pro-choice, sort of like Bill Clinton used say; “safe legal and rare.”

    I don’t care about gay marriage as I think it is a sham. Even the lesbians are now saying that promiscuity is the purpose.

    My middle daughter, when she was at UCLA, looked into the women’s rugby team as she is athletic and was looking for a sport. She said she could not get rid of some of the lesbians that stalked her for months.

  13. “She said she could not get rid of some of the lesbians that stalked her for months.”

    And yet lesbian activists have said for decades that lesbianism is inherently better than heterosexuality because women don’t rape or commit other sexual crimes.

  14. I am almost certain that the only reason that no one ever accused me of being a lesbian during the last years of my career in the military (and there COULD have been credible grounds for it, being unmarried and disinclined to date) was that I was spectacularly hapless and totally uninterested in organized team sports …

  15. >>Trent – yes, know all about Pym Fortuyn and his murder. Just one more
    >>indication of how things fly apart and the center can’t hold.

    That is exactly my point.

    The Left in America is unmoored from our history.

    The Right, as yet, is not. Much of the American Right remembers the Civil War on a cultural level and does not want to go there. They are not going to be given a choice.

    The Uber Alinsk-ite incitement by the Left to bring out its nutballs to attack the Right’s anti-multicultural popular figures is being closely watched by the Right’s violent fring.

    Not a few of the Republican elites are more multi-cultural than they are conservative (See Fox News and Jeb Bush)and they are losing credibility by not only not denouncing the incitement, but participating in it (Fox News has been horrid here with Victim blaming).

    When, not if, the line is crossed, and people like Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer are assassinated. The “Fright-Wing Fringe” will activate.

    And there will be No One and Nobody who can credibly ask them to turn off.

  16. As I understand things, Gellar’s venue was secured by the Garland Public School District’s (the ISD’s) security police. The art gallery is next to the high school and the schools arranged how many cops, where, armed how, etc. The uniformed officer wounded in the attack was definitely a school district employee.

    For a team of law-enforcement-officers most typically called upon to direct traffic at football games, prom and graduation exercises; sniff out marijuana in the lockers; and break up fist-fights in the lunchroom, the Garland ISD PD has acquitted itself extraordinarily well.

  17. Mike K Says:
    May 5th, 2015 at 7:19 pm

    ….I certainly hope so. I have not yet purchased an AR 15 but am thinking about it.

    I believe that you live in the Peoples Republic of Alta California. Purchase and maintenance of the tools of freedom is legally problematical there. I would recommend acquisition of weapon and ammunition as off-the-books as possible. And I would recommend haste. The organic waste is on a trajectory for the rotating airfoil, and you need time for familiarization, training, and practice. It is not something that you know automatically. If you live in a large urban area, you are probably in an indefensible position. You need to soberly assess your position, your resources, your options, and pick a plan to bring the best option to fruition at need. Keep in mind that predators come in two-legged varieties, both inside and outside the government.

    pouncer Says:
    May 5th, 2015 at 10:09 pm

    While the officer was from the Garland ISD’s police, from my understanding they were backed up by regular PD and SWAT. While Homeland Security issued a bulletin beforehand saying there was low risk at the event, the Texas Department of Public Safety was not so sanguine about it. And apparently took precautions. DHS has as a major mission the discounting of Islamic terrorism. TDPS’s mission is protecting the people of Texas. Thus, the difference.

  18. Actually Garland presciently forced Geller to take precautions and pay for them:

    “Kudos to the Garland Police Department,” Geller said on Fox and Friends. She noted that the organizers ”had to pay an additional $10,000 to the Garland Police Department, and we had our own private security force. This speaks to the low state of freedom of speech in this country that in order to have a conference of freedom of speech, you have to spend upwards of $50,000.”

    It will be interesting to see when the radical islamists target Texas again. This may be a teachable moment for a lot of people.

  19. Mike K? Purchase a polymer 80% AR-15 lower and the accompanying jig by cash at the next gun show near you. Get a lower parts kit to go with it. Order or purchase parts as you please, in person or online. Then you can build your own or take it to a gunsmith and tell him to do it for you. Then you will have a legal, unregistered Evil Black Gun… though you will still be restricted to ten-round magazines and have to use a tool in order to swap them out, if the Great Khan is correct and you live in our failed state.

    If all of this sounds like too much bother and would be of limited utility for what you have in mind, go and grab a Ruger Mini-14. Since it has no evil pistol grip, you can swap out the ten-rounders as swiftly as God and Bill Ruger intended. Don’t muck about with tacticool red dot scopes; a plain old 3×9 hunting scope will be fine. I recommend the Burris 3×9 from Opticsplanet.com; they are nice and bright and have a lifetime warantee on them. Also, get a couple single-shot break-open hammered shotguns for loan to gun-illiterate friends and family. Put a padded sling and a cheap nylon cartridge holder on the stock and get a reusable shopping bag for each. Buy a case of low recoil buckshot. Put several hulls in the cartridge holder and dump the rest in the bag. Bear in mind these will all be registered with the California DOJ and that gives them the option of confiscation in a ginned-up or actual ’emergency.’

    Use the Gunbot extension to find the most economic source of ammunition from day to day. Post Sandy Hook, everything to do with the shooting sports is a fungible commodity. You are not a soldier getting into massive firefights and you are not going to lay down suppressive fire for your squaddies — you are a regular schmoe who is concerned with urban defense, and rapid aimed semi automatic fire is the way to go. I suggest a reserve of two hundred rounds for every firearm you own. Buy practice ammo on an ad hoc basis and practice whenever possible.

    That’ll get you started.

  20. Americans have a right to be “exhausted” with violent Islam provided they are equally exhausted with their government’s violent interventions in the Muslim world.

  21. ” Buy practice ammo on an ad hoc basis and practice whenever possible.”

    I am on the list of luckeygunner.com.

  22. >Americans have a right to be “exhausted” with violent Islam provided they are equally exhausted with their government’s violent interventions in the Muslim world.Etymology and meaning
    The dome of the Carol I Mosque in Constanța, Romania, topped by the Islamic crescent

    Islam is a verbal noun originating from the triliteral root s-l-m which forms a large class of words mostly relating to concepts of wholeness, safeness and peace.[19] In a religious context it means “voluntary submission to God”.<


  23. “voluntary submission to God”

    Muslims believe in voluntary submission to Allah. And if you won’t voluntarily submit, they’ll kill you.

  24. >Ken Hoop
    Excuse me, dhmimmi. You seem to have forgotten who started this kerfuffle.

  25. Gurray,

    The Kurds are literally fighting for every inch of land, gaining a few kilometers a week. They’ve been messing around with suicidal holdouts in those grain silos for months. A few thousand pound JDAMs would probably take care of that problem, but they apparently want to keep the infrastructure intact, which only makes it that much harder.

    EXACTLY the problem that ERW’s were intended to solve. It’s a pity we let ourselved be faux-shamed out of keeping them in our inventory.


    Mike K? Purchase a polymer 80% AR-15 lower and the accompanying jig by cash at the next gun show near you.

    Am I right in assuming “nearest” actually means “Nevada”?

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