
Choices, past and present.
2016 Florida Republican presidential primary ballot
Marco Rubio’s cousin. Seemed like a nice guy.
Marco's cousin

6 thoughts on “Voting”

  1. Dearieme: You might say that Jeb, Carly, Rand et al are zombie candidates.

    Dan from: A developer wants approval for an upscale mall/restaurant project along the Miami River. I voted no because 1) I am not sure there is any way to hold him to his plan (could it, for example, one day turn into a casino project?), 2) he wants what amounts to a fifty-year option on the land, and 3) I don’t trust this kind of deal generally. There was a personable, articulate, well dressed guy promoting it outside of my polling place; I suspect he was not a volunteer. No doubt the initiative will pass.

  2. I see Rubio is out.

    I’d love it if the FBI torpedoed Hellary (though I’ll bet they won’t) and Trump won the Presidency at a canter. I’d love it because of all the conspiracy theories that would arise. It was the Joos. It was Putin. It was the KKK. It was the Koch brothers. It was ”¦”¦”¦ oh the Pope, the Queen and the Freemasons.

    I know: it was the Orange Order. As evidence I point you to photos of Mr Trump.

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