UPDATE (12/24/2007): Check out the moon tonight. (Thanks to Jay Manifold for the heads-up.)
Some Chicago Boyz know each other from student days at the University of Chicago. Others are Chicago boys in spirit. The blog name is also intended as a good-humored gesture of admiration for distinguished Chicago School economists and fellow travelers.
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Catch that conjunction with Mars last night? It was within half a degree of the Moon from the southern US – probably got occulted as seen from the Canadian Arctic.
How about a title? It’s 5429 :)
Well, that or “Lunation 1051.”
Jay: What?
Carl: Here’s your title. “Lunation” was taken :)
Woof, woof, arf!
You know, that was intended as a wolfish howl, but it seems I am too domesticated for that (and please, nobody scratch me behind the ears, that would add insult to injury).
Well, then, OWOOOOO!
(“The lunation number is the number of times the Moon has circled the Earth since January 1923, based on a series described by Ernest W. Brown in Planetary Theory, 1933.” — RASC Observer’s Handbook 2008)
Overcast tonight. Bummer.