A Very Merry Christmas …

Happy Holidays, and the best of New Years to all the Chicagoboyz and our readers!

Santa should be delivering to underneath this tree in about six hours …

8 thoughts on “A Very Merry Christmas …”

  1. We head over to my son’s in an hour loaded with presents for his kids.

    The forecast storm has not yet arrived but it is supposed to be big and will keep us in CA for two extra days. We are to pick up a basset hound which will take the place (we hope) of our Juliet who died in October. The shelter (100 basset hounds) where we are to make our choice is rural and in the high desert north of LA where snow is forecast. We will stay until Saturday to avoid trouble on the dirt road. That shelter is where we adopted Juliet four years ago.

  2. Back atcha, Sgt Mom.

    I was just in your neck of the woods a few days ago – always wanted to see the Alamo – had some misconceptions cleared.

  3. Merry Christmas to all!

    Happily, I received a copy of the Golden Road (by Sgt Mom) for Christmas, so I am looking forward to some enjoyable reading. Hopefully the latest Luna City book will be a gift for my birthday too!

  4. Enjoy, Jeff! I can’t promise the next Luna City installment until mid-year, as I have the other half of the Civil War epic to finish.

    Bill – Oh, yes – the Alamo chapel is much smaller than people think. (And no basement crypt, either.) But the gardens behind and the grounds are very pleasant. There’s talk of trying to reconstruct the whole enclosure as it was – but considering how some of the more recent structures (like the post office, which is over top of the bastion where Travis was killed) would have to be … restructured … I expect they’ll be fighting over the reconstruction plan for another half century, at least.

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