I have an unusual name. All my life I have been well known in whatever community I moved in. In school, everybody knew me but I didn’t seem to know anybody beyond my immediate circle. I wonder how my life might have been different if my parents had gifted me with a more ordinary name.
I thought about starting a blog for sometime. Being a computer geek I started to do something elaborate using Zope but I finally today decided that I should strangle off my perfectionist tendencies and just start writing. Like Woody Allen said, “Ninety percent of success is just showing up.” I thought it more important to just start writing and get something out there than to put up a site with a bunch of bells and whistles. Beside I worried my graphorrhic posts were bringing down the Reason Hit and Run blog and I needed another outlet.
So I wrote one little post and because Glenn Reynolds at Instapundit had been kind enough to mention me in the past I thought I would send him a note telling him I had started blogging as he had suggested. I thought he would see the mail in day or two and send me back a short little “good for you” message.
Fifteen minutes after I sent the mail Reynolds posted a link to my blog and..