I find this chart oddly compelling.
Some Chicago Boyz know each other from student days at the University of Chicago. Others are Chicago boys in spirit. The blog name is also intended as a good-humored gesture of admiration for distinguished Chicago School economists and fellow travelers.
I find this chart oddly compelling.
Val Dorta’s masterful historical essay on this topic is not to be missed. Lex blogged on it earlier, as did a few other bloggers, but somehow it never gained the attention it deserves. Go and read it.
(Note that Val’s site appears to be down as of early afternoon EST, but keep trying. He may be having some temporary server issues.)
UPDATE: The site is up again.
The Left supports flexibility when its goals are unpopular — e.g., using the courts to override elected legislatures that won’t support gay marriage or abortion on demand or other holy causes. But let voters threaten the influence of the political class, as with the California recall, and lefties are suddenly for interpreting procedures in the strictest, most literal manner conceivable.
Ignore the words and watch the behavior. It’s all about power.
CORRECTION & UPDATE: Rereading this post I see that its argument is illogical, since in the first paragraph I impute different responses by the Left to essentially identical political situations. I think it would be better to argue that the Left is consistent in using any means at its disposal to oppose challenges to the power of the political class.
-Added two more Chicago boys to the blog header. Also linked the photos there, so now you can click and learn more.
-Reorganized slightly the “Frequently Viewed” links.
-Updated my photo links with a bunch of new images, organized in Photoshop galleries that are easier to look at than my home-made html pages. I also re-edited some of the better pics in the archives, most of which I initially posted before I knew anything about Photoshop. I’ll probably eventually re-edit more of these older photos.
-Made a change in the blog’s style sheets, in response to a suggestion, to make the blog easier to look at in Netscape 6X and 7X. I initially coded the blog’s template by kludging together a lot of stuff without really knowing what I was doing. So if you see anything that could be easily improved, I would be grateful if you would share this information with me.
Thanks, and thanks for reading.