Happy New Year

Happy New Year to all Chicagoboyz & Chicagoboyz readers. Thanks to those who agree with us, who disagree with us, and those who just pass through. May the next year be as full of Chicagoboyz cheer as the last. Thanks to those whose gift of wit makes us all grateful. Without Manolo, what would we know about style?

In case you missed two of Instapundit’s recent links, here they are to start the New Year with a smile.

No greater compliment: this has a John Cleese quality.
A more narrowly partisan take, with a young Bob Hope, quick with the quip.
Day by Day has been moving between Iraq & sex; his political humor, as usual, is sharp.
Beautiful Atrocities links to Tigerhawk, where a commentator compares NYTimes predictions noted by Tigerhawk with NY Times share prices.