7 thoughts on “The War in Color”

  1. I saw some WWII footage that had been colorized. At one point it showed cartons of Lucky Strike cigarettes being offloaded from a ship. In a bit of an anachronism the circles on the packs were colored red. During WWII they were green. We got C-rations in the early 60s that had a four pack of green Luckies.

  2. I’ll bet the green Luckies denoted the military and no tax.

    Colorized B & W to me is neither fish nor fowl. It looks colorized.

    However color film was around then – rare and expensive.

    I have a great book on WW2 aviation – taken by crewmen with color film – that war comes alive with those pictures. One of the most memorable pictures shows a line of tired P51s in a field – German civilians are cutting them up and burning them.

    I do have a couple of DvDs – one from Europe, the other Japan – on color movies taken.

    And, as I mentioned previously, the Marine movie cameraman – some of them used color in the South Pacific

  3. @Mike – that film has an interesting history. Its existence was unknown until Stevens died and his son found it in the attic.

    As an aside his movie Shane had realistic sounding gunfire and its effects – all gained from his WW2 experience.

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