Bad Legislation

Moira Breen provides many links to details of a terrible new Senate Bill, sponsored by John McCain (what a surprise), that would change the Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act to give Indian tribes an effective veto on the scientific study of all ancient human remains found in the United States. The veto would apply even to remains whose tribal affiliation is unknown.

You can get the gist of the issue here and here.

Friends of America’s Past, a pro-science organization, has Congressional contact information here.

Moira has been following this issue for years. An index to all of her posts about it is here.

Moira links here and here to other bloggers who are covering this issue.

3 thoughts on “Bad Legislation”

  1. Thanks muchly for the extensive linkage, Jonathan. Haven’t heard whether this has come to voice vote in the Senate yet, but we need to make all the noise we can.

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