Rhetorical Analysis of Dean’s Speech

The definitive, not to say exhaustive, analysis of Dean’s foreign policy speech is now up over on Rhetorica.net. Warning: nearly 6,000 words; reading time > 20 minutes, and that’s if you don’t follow any of the links to sources or definitions of rhetorical terms. It’s dirty work, but I guess somebody’s got to do it. ;)

2 thoughts on “Rhetorical Analysis of Dean’s Speech”

  1. New here (referred from Balloon Juice), and already off-subject. I’m a Chicagoan, and I’m wondering which of the contributors here are as well? I wonder only because it would be good to know some more people who are right-of-center in Chicago (a rare breed we are).

  2. Fututor,

    Nice to hear from you. A couple of us live in Chgo (I used to). We had a public get-together in November and will probably have another one in the future.

    I know what you mean about being part of a rare breed, but (in my experience anyway) you can find kindred spirits if you look for them.

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