Best and Highest Purpose

On my Direct TV there is a channel called “Palladium” which has music videos and concerts in high-definition and from time to time I’ll pass through and see something that catches my eye. They had a concert from the band “Buckcherry” that I recorded and watched because “Lit Up” is one of the best party songs ever recorded and they had some other good ones including “Crazy Bitch” which brought the band back to life (they were on hiatus without much of a future but that song immediately catapulted them back into the spotlight).

As for their front man, Josh Todd, when I see him it reminds me of philosophical discussions usually at late night bars of why people, generally girls, are making terrible choices or acting in a reckless manner. My answer usually is that “Plan B for them wasn’t to become a rocket scientist”, basically saying that they are reaching for the stars in their own manner.

As for this guy, is there ANY other higher purpose for him except to be a rock and roll singer? He is skinny, an ex-addict, and covered from head to toe with tattoos. He LIVES the rock and roll lifestyle, at least from the perspective of someone that just sees him up on stage.

The problem is that there are about 5 or so spots that can support a decent lifestyle and about 1 million people trying to attain one of those spots. I need to quote from my favorite source for actually-pretty-true-news, The Onion:

Alternate-Universe James Hetfield Named Taco Bell Employee Of The Month

You can’t really top that. According to Taleb (in a book review I need to write up someday) probably no one has gotten luckier than Hetfield; in a million other universes he ends up (at best) as employee of the month at Taco Bell; remember that this guy was an insane alcoholic for decades and only in the Rock and Roll business is that tolerated for so long.

Cross posted at LITGM

4 thoughts on “Best and Highest Purpose”

  1. The underlying reason rock stars can now achieve such fabulous fame and wealth is electricity.

    Acoustic performances are limited in scale. Classical halls top out at about 2,000 patrons. Recordings could still be done and played without juice, like Edison’s windup versions, but with far less viscural impact and hence market.

    Prior to electricity, a musician could only write music or play to far smaller crowds. Both required longer training and even some talent. Nowadays, even teenagers can learn a few cords and make a killing.

    Wonder if Jackson Browne ever thought about the underpinings of his success while he was campaigning against nuclear power plants.

  2. BTW, just realigned my stereo this weekend – now I’m pumping out a whole kilowatt of power (2 X 500 wpc). Even the Rolling Stones are sounding good now.

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