Teh Awesome!

Buy the The iPhone SLR Mount at the Photojojo Store!

After blowing all of our money on cheap wine and Costco chickens, Chicagoboyz can’t afford an iPhone. But if we could we would certainly buy one of these gadgets to go with it.

UPDATE: Title of post corrected!

5 thoughts on “Teh Awesome!”

  1. Establishing a wildly popular deliberately meta-ironic proto-meme is what we need to really put this blog on the map.

  2. Either that or come up with a completely new, self-referential idea that has many meanings, both intentional and unintentional, that everybody really loves…..

  3. Jeff the Bobcat: You are an over the top and out of the box thinker. Please let us know about any such idea, and we will pitch the tshirts here on the blog.

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