A Word From Our Sponsor

Chicagoboyz is now a B&H Photo affiliate. I recommend B&H highly, particularly for expensive photo items. B&H is one of the largest photo and electronics retailers, with prices that are usually as good as anyone’s. I think their service is a notch better than Amazon’s, particularly if you want to return a purchase. As with Amazon, Chicagoboyz profits at no cost to you if you click on a B&H link or banner to shop for photo or electronic goods.

Thanks for your support.

9 thoughts on “A Word From Our Sponsor”

  1. Many thanks. I suggest you shop around and take your time. There are some interesting new cameras out and it looks like more to come in the next few months. The cameras I mentioned were merely ones I have experience with.

  2. B&H is a great store; I like the brick and mortar – and glass – one not just their website: they have an excellent intuitively understandable layout/organization and very helpful salespeople who specialize by category of merchandise. Although I haven’t been there for…ashamed to say how many years.

    I would point out B&H blog with various useful advice and reviews and also their InDepthLearningCenter – for people outside of photo “pro” community (me, f.i…)

  3. Purchase made. A quick review. I called there and got a guy who helped steer me in the right direction. He was foreign and it was a bit hard for me to understand, me being a hayseed from the Midwest, but we got the conversation done and I got the info I needed. I didn’t want to wade through the millions of small cameras so he asked me my budget, what I did and made a couple of recommendations. I researched and made my choice, Canon 300HS. I went to Amazon to compare and it was three dollars cheaper at B and H. In addition, I prefer to carry my camera on my hip with a beltloop in the PROPER case vs. in my pocket. Amazon didn’t offer the proper case. In addition, the case that I thought would work from Amazon would have had to ship from a different location, costing me freight, and of course there is nobody at Amazon to call to help me if I end up with questions. So I got the camera, proper case and 8 gig memory card all from B and H with free freight, it should be here by Friday.

  4. I can see they are in Manhattan. Back through the 80s I think there was a huge camera district with stores that sold nation wide. Glad they are upholding the tradition.

  5. Apart from being locked down on all Jewish holidays they are among the best of outlets, for photographic, and related stuff.

    Have spent quite a few $s there over the years.

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