Bon appétit!

I originally had this on as an image that displays on the site, but got a hint that it might be too gruesome; don’t worry though, the character is just faking it and isn’t eaten in the movie: Image
(I’m into black humor, and besides, in the context of the movie it is pretty funny, so it didn’t even occur to me that it might gross somebody out).

The French movie Delicatessen is a wonderfully macabre comedy. It is set in a post-apocalyptic world where meat is unaffordable, so you can easily guess where the cannibalism angles hinted at with the picture is coming in. The film also has the best botched suicide scene ever.

Highly recommended (although I’m afraid that it’s unlikely that you’ll ever find it).

Btw, the director of Delicatessen went on to direct Alien: Resurrection. While not exactly a great movie that wasn’t really his fault by the time he joined the project the script had been rewritten countless times. Also, Dominique Pinon in the picture above played the wheelchair-bound Vriess.

10 thoughts on “Bon appétit!”

  1. No sweat, the character is just faking it.

    Good point, though, you think I should take it down?
    I mean, I’m into black humor, but others might not be, like yourself.

  2. I dunno, it looks pretty funny to me, maybe because the image appears too clean and posed to be real. The cleaver-in-the-head thing is an old cliche’.

  3. I dunno, it looks pretty funny to me, maybe because the image appears too clean and posed to be real. The cleaver-in-the-head thing is an old cliche’.

    Well, it might be too much for some. I’ll leave it as a link, lest I scare off potential readers. :)

  4. FYI, Delicatessen’s pretty widely available here. And he overdid the slime in Alien’s 4, a monotonically decreasing sequence.

  5. FYI, Delicatessen’s pretty widely available here.

    Oh, my bad. I should have expected that, making and distributing DVDs has become so cheap that movies can be distributed much more widely than before.

    I agree on Alien 4.

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