Some Chicago Boyz know each other from student days at the University of Chicago. Others are Chicago boys in spirit. The blog name is also intended as a good-humored gesture of admiration for distinguished Chicago School economists and fellow travelers.
As I read the blogosphere corinencng this story, I realized the hypocracy that resides among some (if not most whites) corinencng violence, crime and race.I read comments such as, “He should get a medal,” “That will teach the coon,” “He’s done what I have only thought about,” and “I support him.”Were the shooter black and the victim white, I seriously doubt I would have read the above comments on the blogosphere. Instead, the same people would have been utter every stereotype and cited every crime statistic corinencng blacks and crime.So much for our post-racial era. Then again, I never believe that “la la land” bullshit.