America 3.0 Review and Interview on The Daily Caller

We recently had a review and interview about America 3.0 on the Daily Caller. Here is an excerpt:

Many fear that America is on a downward slope and that America 3.0, as you put it, is not an optimistic vision. How can we change that vision? What makes America 3.0 better than its predecessors?
The America 3.0 we predict is optimistic, but it is not unrealistic. To the contrary, we depict America in 2040 in chapter one of our book, and it is all based on existing trends. We really think most of those positive changes will come much sooner.
It is true that too many conservatives have a bleak and hopeless vision of the future. They shouldn’t. We need to ask them what type of America they want their children and grandchildren to live in, ask them to imagine it, and then figure out what concrete steps need to be taken to get there. Mere opposition to President Obama is not remotely sufficient. People need an alternative explanation of the current crisis in America, a vision of where we should be going, and policy proposals that move us in a positive direction.
Notably, libertarians tend to be more optimistic. They are often younger, often from the tech world, and often readers of science fiction! Thinking about the future and what it will be like come more easily to them. Perhaps our libertarian friends can perform an intervention with our gloomy conservative friends so they won’t give up hope!
As we say in the book, America’s greatest days are yet to come. We are a liberty-loving and enterprising people and the roots of our culture go back many centuries. Our Constitution is not outdated, it is futuristic, and with a few amendments, it is well suited to the future we foresee. America 3.0 will be better than its predecessors because it will be an era of freedom and prosperity, with the cost of living sharply falling, and new opportunities for many people to live productive and creative lives.

The Daily Caller is also having a contest on Facebook. If you share this post you could win a copy of America 3.0 autographed and inscribed by both authors. This is a genuine rarity, since both authors are rarely in the same place at the same time.

2 thoughts on “America 3.0 Review and Interview on The Daily Caller”

  1. “This is a genuine rarity, since both authors are rarely in the same place at the same time.”

    Odd that, in the same way you never see Bruce Wayne and Batman together. Just sayin’.

  2. Michael, my assurances that we are indeed two people will, I fear, merely cause you to say: “that’s what you’d expect them, or him, to say!”

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