“50% of Canadians Live South of The Red Line”

From the fascinating site Brilliant Maps.

(Via Lex.)

14 thoughts on ““50% of Canadians Live South of The Red Line””

  1. I’m on Vancouver Island and live just above the 49th parallel. My friend, near Sooke on the Island, lives just south of it.

    We Canadians know we live generally close to the border, but it’s probably less apparent to Americans.

  2. I know a woman who lives in Toronto and she calls that the frozen tundra. So I’m not surprised.

  3. That is as bizarre as Australia. Forget the exact distances but 90% or so live within a short distance – 50 miles? 100 miles? of the coastline.

    Of course if you have been to the outback you’d know why.

  4. Looks as though the relatives on PEI sit on the North side of that line. Rumor has it that Trudeau The Lesser and the Internationale have some plans to rectify that stat, though.

  5. dearieme – Just by looking at that map and doing some real rough calculations (don’t feel like looking up population distribution by county) you have the following states above, or partially above that line;

    Alaska – 738,432
    Minnesota (~50%) – 5,489,594 / 2
    North Dakota – 756,927
    Montana – 1,032,949
    Washington – 7,170,351
    Wisconsin (~20%) – 5,771,337 / 5

    For a total of ~13,597,723 out of a US population of ~321,418,820 so roughly 4%.

  6. Since I’m at roughly 65 North even most of Northern Europe is “you southerners”. Though if they are southerners isn’t that “y’all southerners”?

  7. @Jonathan – thanks. When I went to Australia I thought I knew desert but the outback is particularly inhospitable. How the Aborigines manage to survive there is beyond me.

    As far as Canada is concerned that is just as surprising – You’d think there would be more settlement north along the Great Lakes.

    Further west I guess without a navigable river that would keep the city sizes down. Always amazed at how Minneapolis came to be – originally for the grain and shipment down the Mississippi. I am surprised at how many Fortune 500 companies have their headquarters there.

    All because originally the Mississippi River?

    Sure wasn’t the weather.

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