(Read the entire exchange here.)

Some Chicago Boyz know each other from student days at the University of Chicago. Others are Chicago boys in spirit. The blog name is also intended as a good-humored gesture of admiration for distinguished Chicago School economists and fellow travelers.
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No doubt Rabbi Romain would agree that the worst thing about the holocaust was that it evoked a desire for vengeance against the Nazis.
What is needed is reassurance on two levels. First, the reassurance that our way of life will continue. More security checks may now be necessary, but concert halls will still function, public transport will still run. We want there to be a tomorrow and we want it to resemble today.
Second, the reassurance that our values are still intact. Society will still be based on law and justice. Cross-communal events and inter-faith dialogue will carry on, social and cultural events will still flourish. Doing what is noble, speaking the truth, loving our neighbours as ourselves – they will all remain.
It can’t continue if that way of life means passively standing around while terrorists rip you and your children apart. Doing what is noble means protecting your values and making sure they don’t get blown up in the next nail bomb or run down by the latest radicalized lorry driver. Self-preservation must always come before self-satisfaction.
Recall what Gen. Casey, Chief of Staff of the Army(!!!), said about Ft. Hood:
“Our diversity, not only in our Army, but in our country, is a strength. And as horrific as this tragedy was, if our diversity becomes a casualty, I think that’s worse,” Casey said.
It’s difficult to have hope for the future.
The Fort Hood shooting was Jefferson’s “Fire Bell in the Night” and it warned of the results of increased immigration of Muslims who have no intention of assimilating. The fact that Dr Hassan was second generation and successful in life suggests that the lure of radical Islam goes beyond “life’s losers.”
The “Fire Bell in the Night” metaphor has of course been used for all sots of politically correct causes. but the hazards of Muslim immigration and radicalism are genuine threats to the national culture.
Our way of lfe? Sounds busting out the joint, and a pacification project.
I guess as long as the prisoners kill each other that is just so. Storming the gates without invitation is probably something.
I do not speak for them. I sure as hell can ignore them speaking for me.
We know who is supporting these terrorist networks in the islamic world, both state actors and these phony caliphate mercenaries.
We know who the radical imams are, and which mosques they recruit and operate from.
We know where all their oil wells, processing facilities, and pipelines are, as well as the ports and shipping routes they use.
It is long past time for the facilitators of these acts of murder to begin to feel serious pain, both personally, and as societies.
We warn them, in very clear language, that the next act like this will result in the destruction of one or more of their vital facilities, as well as a considerable cost in life and property.
Since they are too delusional to understand the danger they are in, there will certainly be another attack against some western target.
In concert with the forces of the targeted country, if they can rouse themselves from their stupor of multi-cults pc paralysis, we destroy selected targets, including mosques and other civil/military gathering places, as well as significant economic structures.
We then re-advise the sponsors that any further attacks will be met with severely escalating responses, and that no part or activity of any islamic society that supports terrorist acts will be immune, including their most elaborate social and cultural gatherings.
If we must fear any gathering or any routine activity will suddenly become the target of a terrorist attack, then islam must also fear that anything and everything they have is subject to sudden and complete destruction.
This is war. It has been since it was declared upon us decades ago, and we have pretended that all these attacks, up to and including 9/11, were not exactly what they were, i.e., military attacks, but some amorphous spasm of unaccountable and indecipherable lunacy.
We know who the states are, who the individuals are, and which organizations are behind these attacks, both morally, and with financial and other support.
These terror perpetrators and their deluded followers have sown the wind—let them reap the whirlwind.
The war is over, you lost:
“The war is over, you lost:”
Yes, like plucking off a tick is losing.
I too fail to see what anyone has lost. Good for Germany that they realize they have to look to their own interests (too bad for them that Merkel doesn’t view the interests of the German people as her top priority). Good for us that the US has a president who is going to do the same.
That’s the nice take. The rude take is tell Angela we’ll be waiting for when she needs something and has to come begging, like the pitiful third rate leader she is. If she can’t handle the fact that the US isn’t ruled by a pitiful fellow traveler who has zero concern for the nation’s interests, then she’s the one who needs to put on her big boy pants and grow the h*ll up.
You can’t always get what you want. Sometimes you get what you need.
In re: Merkel’s statement:
For over a generation the US has only been able to depend on Germany to aid and abet anyone who opposed the United States. If they want to go it alone outside of the US defense umbrella, and if Europe wants to deal with a Germany which has no restrictions on what Germany can do to other European countries, so be it.
What we have left in Germany since the end of the Cold War has largely been depots and logistics units. We need to make other arrangements, perhaps in a newly independent Britain if we can reach a mutually beneficial agreement. Or perhaps other ways can be found. US forces out, US obligations to Germany ended, US interests taking priority over German interests.
Instead of NATO, perhaps a new Western Alliance can be formed made of states willing to stand for Western values as they see them.
Don’t worry Pengun, I’m pretty sure that none of this will involve Canada.
“Yes, like plucking off a tick is losing.”
The war of America against everyone for preeminence is the only real war in progress. This marks the point where that failed.
It was Zbig or Dr. Zbigniew Brzezinski who really put the plan together, that the US has been using since Carter. It required that Europe be separated from Russia. This is really what the Russia this, and Russia that is all about. The European and Russian block, that actually was a thing for a short while, is a bigger and really better economy than the US. With China in the wings it was essential to keep these two apart. Hence the Ukrainian fiasco which was really genius, from Zbig’s point of view. He just died, CSIS is in mourning, and he is spinning in his new grave.
Thanks Donald.
“Don’t worry Pengun, I’m pretty sure that none of this will involve Canada.”
I wish! But no, Justin is certainly out of his depth, but his tilt to China is not dumb.
“It was Zbig…”
That is the strangest geopolitical theory I have ever heard. Every sentence appears to have no relationship at all to what precedes it or follows it.
“That is the strangest geopolitical theory I have ever heard. Every sentence appears to have no relationship at all to what precedes it or follows it.”
Interesting. Mike is having trouble understanding me too, and I have been trying to make it so more people do.
If you could just show me where you are losing me, I would appreciate it.
Oh. and Google him and CSIS, it might help too. This is well understood and is basic to CSIS’s strategy. CSIS is perhaps the most influential think tank there is. You don’t think your politicians are smart enough to come up with this by themselves do you? No a permanent group, you could call it the ‘deep state’ actually runs things, as Trump is finding out. They will remove him, probably sooner rather than later, but the damage is done. They won’t be able to roll this one back.
“a bigger and really better economy than the US.”
Yes, Russia is a great economy. One of the few clever things McCain has ever said was describing Russia as “A gas station with a foreign policy.”
” They will remove him, probably sooner rather than later, but the damage is done. They won’t be able to roll this one back.”
They are certainly trying. If the “Deep State” was competent and actually ran things pretty well, I would not object. They are incompetent and entitled.
A pretty good explanation of them.
in recent years, a combination of factors that include regulations raising entry barriers to start up businesses, the inordinate weight placed on credentialism and in particular credentials from a few universities that only accept people from the upper echelons of society and a few new comers who think as they do. These factors mean that the credentialed class is now, for the first time in the U.S., largely self perpetuating.
“Credentialed” not competent.
Russia has resources, lots of em’. Germany can turn them into serious coin.
Simple enough?
Oh I forgot. The USA has a dept of around 16 trillion dollars. Geeks fight over the number.
Russia retired it’s dept, this year.
Russia debt clock
Maybe you mean its department.
I meant it’s Soviet debt. I was not at all clear, and not quite right, but by year end they will have cleared the debt the Soviet Union left them.
It has been reducing it’s total debt very fast: