A Brief History…

Michael Kennedy’s A Brief History of Disease, Science and Medicine is now available on Kindle.

It joins Michael’s more recent book, War Stories: 50 Years in Medicine, which is a fascinating and informative read.

6 thoughts on “A Brief History…”

  1. For some mysterious reason Amazon has the hardcover and paperback book and the kindle book on different pages.

    Also, the paperback book is available for slightly less than $4,000.

    Another listing has it for less, fortunately.

  2. I’ve read both of Dr. Kennedy’s books and found them very informative, as well as entertaining. I loaned them to a physician friend of mine and he told me that he learned some things that he was unaware of. He bought his own copies. I highly recommend them.

  3. I need to revise that War Stories manuscript for some typos and some poor formatting of dates.

    Other than that, the stories won’t change. You can tell that I wrote it over about 20 years, collecting stories.

    The dates often say “25 years ago” when it was 40. I need to rework those.

  4. “Also, the paperback book is available for slightly less than $4,000.”
    Ha ha, good old bot pricing wars…

  5. Dr Mike, I am enjoying War Stories, although I can only get to it in bits and pieces, life is coming at me too fast recently to keep up with my pleasure reading. My better half spent thirty five years as a surgical nurse practitioner, and can fully relate. Thanks for writing it, those of us who were not in the medical field benefit from knowing how it all fits together.

  6. “those of us who were not in the medical field”

    I tried to make it so that was not a requirement. The point was, a bit like cop stories, to try to explain what it’s like.

    When my medical history book came out about 2000, my daughter was at UCLA and I gave her a copy. One of her roommates was a premed student. Actually she was a theater arts grad who had a pretty good career in TV but wanted to go back and go to medical school.

    Anyway, she borrowed the book from my daughter and then wouldn’t return it.

    I took that as a five star review.

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