
Obama Print

I recently saw this print in a Chicago window that neatly encapsulates the delusions of the fervent Obama supporter. I love the fact that it is in a storefront strewn with nuts, quite appropriate in the context of this bizarre love affair.

12 thoughts on “Delusional”

  1. Well, it’s quite a good drawing, anyway.

    There is this bookstore near me that has two big posters up in the windo – the first is a poster of Obama with a “yes we can” printed next to his phot, and the second is a poster for a bunch of self-help diet and financial gurus. Hilarious! He looks like just another self-help guru at the chain bookstore. Yes We Can is a perfect title for a book about how you, too, can lose weight, balance your checkbook and meet the perfect mate!

  2. It is indeed delusional, and the people who hold such views are bound to be deeply disappointed. It will be interesting to see if and how their political behavior changes after that happens.

  3. No, they won’t be disappointed very soon. They have gone back to sleep, googling Brittany or whoever, voting for Amer.Idol. When they wake up about 10 years from now, it’ll be because their paycheck isn’t sufficient to buy a cup of coffee, between tax increases and inflation. Unfortunately, the rest of us are along for the ride, in increasing horror. How is it possible to screw up so much in so little time?

  4. The problem is that by investing so much emotion in the guy, they are going to have a hard time admitting the inevitable times he is wrong. That would hurt their own pride and make them feel and look stupid.

    I think that most people will get over that by defining anything Barack does as simply wonderful, as a way to avoid cognitive dissonance.

    It is a terrible idea to invest this much sentimentality in any politician, whether you like him or not.

    Just as Bush was not Satan, Obama is not Jesus.

    It is troubling that we have so many people who lack the perspective to see that.

    And as to “Would you prefer John McCain instead?” Of course.

  5. Whatever works to elect you,
    Doesn’t have to affect you.
    We need you to win.
    We’ll understand if you sin.
    Sell out to get in.

    This is sophisticated, corrupt, and undemocratic. “Say anything, fool people to be elected. We know that you don’t mean all of the moderate things you said. First gain power, we know that you are lying to achieve a good end.”

  6. “Would you prefer John McCain instead?”

    By about $800 Billion. OTOH, we may be better off in the long run letting the Donkeys have their turn. If this works as well as I expect, they will be out of power for a very long time.

  7. Carl, sorry to ‘spam’ your post, but somehow I thought of that dreamy picture and all the dreamy, vague words when reviewing this excerpt from an e-mail I got today:

    “An estimated $17.2 billion in Medicare and Medicaid incentive payments for hospitals and “eligible professionals” to promote the “meaningful use” of electronic health record technology (EHRs). New language clarifies that the eligibility of professionals “will be based on the setting in which a provider furnishes services rather than any billing or employment arrangement between a provider and hospital or other provider entity.” The use of EHRs will become linked to Medicare’s hospital and physician quality reporting programs, and starting in 2015, non-adopters will face payment reductions. Additionally, the ARRA appropriates $2 billion in grants and loans that would be available through the HHS Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology. These funds include matching grants for demonstration projects to develop curricula integrating certified EHRs in the clinical education of health professionals.”

    Hmm, what do you suppose “meaningful use” means and how are we to decide what is meaningful? I don’t know what ANY of the above, er, means. Hey, I’m not dissing it, I’m just curious. Promises, vague words, and then productive people have to make, um, meaning, out of it.

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