Casting the Oracle Stones

So the voters go to the polls tomorrow – well, those who haven’t done early voting or mailed in their ballot – and possibly by Wednesday, we will know the results from those places which have it together in tallying up the ballots. (It might take days and weeks longer, for results from places that don’t have all their ducks neatly lined up.) I see two possible outcomes, both grounds for considerable foreboding.

Number one: Organized, systematic, blatant ballot fraud on the part of Democrat party operatives in precincts and cities most particularly open to it; fraud that is so naked, open and in-your-face that it can’t be hidden, disguised or explained away – fraud which allows the Democrats to claim an overwhelming victory, aided and abetted by a tame national media.

That, of course, will outrage Republicans and moderates, possibly to the point of not accepting the claimed Democrat victory. A victory won through masses of manufactured, fraudulent ballots reduces this country to the condition of a banana republic, and arbitrary rule by a party elite singularly uninterested in anything but perpetuating their own power and control. I do believe that most trending red states who have put steps in place to prevent massive voting fraud will see state and local elections that are honestly and openly won; citizens will be able to accept the results there. It’s the federal government that will most likely lose any credibility with at least half, and maybe more of the citizenry.

Number two: The Republican red wave is so overwhelming as to knock out any Democrat attempts to gain by vote fraud. In which case, the existing federal powers-that-be will be … extremely unhappy, to put it mildly. The national media establishment will be screaming bloody murder, of course; even more loudly and insultingly than they are already. Perhaps the Democrat establishment and the Biden administration (or whoever is pulling Biden’s strings) will attempt to declare the election invalid, cancel and throw the whole election overboard and/or refuse to seat those newly elected to federal office – or worse. The media and the Democrat establishment are already setting the stage for declaring a Republican victory “problematic.”

Some further predictions:
No matter how the election results shake out, the national news media will go off-the-chart barking at the moon insane.

Elon Musk will be having more fun reorganizing Twitter than most normal human beings are allowed to have.

It will not be strictly necessary for Democrat Party authority figures to order the official organs to inflict violence upon those they perceive as inimical to the Ruling Party – all that they need to is exclaim, in the manner of Henry II, “Will no one rid me of that troublesome priest!?” – and the deranged, unbalanced and violently-inclined will take it as permission.

Jay Manifold has also done a post looking at aspects of this week’s election and possible outcomes and aftermath. I am operating at a more intuitive level, but my conclusions align with his. The next few weeks and months will be ugly, and the various parties who take politics and power very seriously will react … and very likely with violence. Mike K’s very cogent comment on my last post, regarding the demonization of conservative opinion and those who hold such, and the “Nazi” slur so freely thrown about, also deserves consideration.

Buckle in – it’s going to be a very bumpy ride.

10 thoughts on “Casting the Oracle Stones”

  1. There is another prediction which we should take into consideration: the Republicrats sweep the board and take control of the House & Senate, and then proceed to do — ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!

    Just look at what the Institutional Republicans did (or rather, did NOT do) when they last had control of both House & Senate … and even had a “Republican” in the White House.

  2. Yeah, that’s what we have come to expect of them. Sit on their hands and pretend that there’s nothing they can do because of ‘muh collegiality’!

  3. I assume there will be a much more robust effort to keep an eye on things. This is easier in principle for the conservative folks. Blue voters are concentrated in fewer places. Precincts that go 100% (or more?) blue are the low hanging fruit, easier to dump in a few more totes o’ votes there than in smaller rural locations.

    If for instance the GOP does not have poll watchers with cameras and legal backup ready in Atlanta, Philly and Milwaukee, well they deserve to get snookered.

    I’d invite our Progressive Bretheren, Sisteren and Other’n to also come watch polls in Red leaning small towns in flyover land. They’d get cookies and sympathy instead of hostility.

  4. Sarge, I agree with you with one additional factor. This can be the second consecutive national general election where it is widely believed by probably a majority of the people that the results have been stolen. Before the last couple of months of campaigning, I was assuming that between 1/4 to 1/3 of the people believed that the 2020 election was stolen. It seems to have grown in that time. To me as an amateur historian, those are critical numbers. When the American Revolution started in 1775 [those people in Philadelphia were far behind the real events at Concord, Lexington, and Bunker Hill] it has been estimated that of the British North American colonists 1/3 were Tories, 1/3 were Patriots, and 1/3 just wanted to be left the freep alone. So 1/3 being willing to fight or support those fighting the regime is kinda a critical measure amongst Americans.

    So let us say that the Left gets their way and steals this general election by fraud. It cannot and will not be done clandestinely. You can bet your body part of choice that on the Conservative side that we will be getting well over 1/2 believing the electoral paradigm is gone. But that is not all. The theft will be known, accepted, and supported by the Left at all levels. Take the two together, and you will have well over 50% of the total adult population believing that the last two general elections were stolen, as will any future ones that may be staged.

    Countries, cultures, political systems, societies are run by what is functionally a universally agreed on internal set of rules. Taken in general, this is called the Social Contract. And each country, culture, political system, and society has its own version of a Social Contract. They may resemble each other, but each fits its own population. We share some aspects for instance with Britain or Canada, but we are very different in critical ways.

    Books have been written about ours, but very short form our Social Contract views rights as being inherent in every individual and NOT a grant from the State, that we can only be ruled legitimately with our own consent, and the means of measuring and granting that consent are honest elections. That everybody, regardless of wealth or station, is equal under and subject to the law and Constitution and that race, color, creed, or national origin does NOT place anybody above constitutionally enacted law or the Constitution itself. It may not always have been practiced perfectly, but it is what we consider to be the bedrock of freedom.

    So . . . if we have two national general elections believed or perceived by over half of the population to have been stolen by illegal means and as the the acronym says “TINVOWOOT”, There Is No Voting Our Way Out Of This as the process has been corrupted . . . what is the legitimacy of any government so installed and its actions from top to bottom. If there is no consent of the governed, if there is no equality under the law; what obligation do Americans have under our Social Contract to obey the government and do its will?

    Toss in Gavin Longmuir’s additional facts, and there basically IS NO way under the law or Constitution to resist tyranny if the GOPe acts as its normal self.

    The Constitutional Republic born when the Bill of Rights was ratified as part of the Constitution was a unique creation in human history. As a species, applied and frequently arbitrary violence has been our normal way of governing. Tomorrow, and the next couple of weeks while the Left tries to insert their frauds, will determine how nasty our future will be. And even if we get past that, there is the need to govern to restore the rule of law and the Constitution, which battle is not a guaranteed win.

    Now I am old. No matter what, I will not be around all that much longer. I fear more for my children and grandchildren, and hope that they will be strong enough to survive in a free country.

    Be Thou then Truly Resolved . . .

    Subotai Bahadur

  5. An excellent point, SB – the Social Contract has been violated six ways from Sunday, in the last half-decade.
    And what we decide to do about it all? Only the blue sky knows…

  6. Sgt Mom –
    we need some your gut sense today – what do you think?
    It is true that more often cleaned up states had results closer to where I’d have liked them to be – but not always. Were the candidates Trump chose simply bad – at least at electioneering and what does that mean?

    I like eccentrics and think unconventional approaches work – would we have had the Abraham Accords with a different president? I don’t think so. In about every direction he thought outside the box – perhaps now he needs to think outside his ego.

    Trump seems more likely to tear the part apart than altruistically help it to heal and strengthen.
    His judgement of people wasn’t consistent – his experience led him to be more cavalier than someone who’d made his way up the bureaucracy. Taking chances can be creative but it can also be chaotic.

    Oh, well, I’m rambling and would prefer to hear what you think. The obsession with pointing to “deniers” did not bode well, but this time a lot of lawyers were on our side. We haven’t heard from them yet.

  7. Ginny, I think the cheating was massive, in states with unrestricted mail-in voting. Sarah Hoyt, another “odd” had the feeling that the fix was already in, from the statements by Biden and his people last week.
    I’m glad that Texas seemed to be relatively sane, in thumbs-downing Beto O’Dork, one more time. Florida is in good stead; so are the other states which elected strong Republican governors and representatives.
    Trump is … one of those erratic characters that is hard to get a fix on. I think he rather assumed that being President was like being the head of a business, and what the Boss said would be carried out … only he put too much trust in many of the people he thought would carry out what he wanted them to do.
    Pennsylvania is so screwed, as is New York; all those places which will get very cold this winter, but honestly, I’m all out of sympathy for blue state progressives. I’m at the point of quoting Cate Blanchette’s character in the movie “Elizabeth”, when her adviser Walsingham tells her that if Norfolk signs that letter, than treason will have been committed, and she says, “Then let him sign it, and let it all be done.”

  8. Sgt Mom: “I think he rather assumed that being President was like being the head of a business, and what the Boss said would be carried out”

    Long time ago, someone wrote about Eisenhower that he was going to have great difficulties as President. He was used to being an Army General, where his orders would be carried out or people would die trying; he would find the Federal Government to be very different.

    Of course, the US was a better country back in those days.

  9. Sarge, I agree with you about the lack of sympathy. They have made their beds, and wrecked ours too. We are going to suffer terribly, so why should they not also?

    Subotai Bahadur

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