Calling All Farmers

Thanks to Ralf for calling my attention to this running commentary. The topic hits close to home, and I have forwarded on to my colleagues in the agricultural and trading industries. I hold out the possibility that Howard is a former Carter Administration trade official, but I doubt it.


Wanted: New or lightly used high-capacity, high-voltage, scalable national electrical transmission system. Will pay in U.S. government agency bonds. Call 800-BROWNOUT, ask for Spencer.

August 14, 2003

August 14, 2003

Markets, Politics, etc…

A link to my friend’s daily market-centric blog (also named Andy).

Vite! Cachez Le Saucisson!

Funny story here

Interesting Article

Interesting article here with national security and freedom of speech implications. I agree with the statement “Why in the world have we been so stupid as a country to have all this information in the public domain?”, but I fail to see the net benefit from squelching this guy’s work, as it does not seem to be prohibitively difficult to reproduce. Even if it took a year of dedicated effort by a group with nefarious intentions, would these assets be adequately protected by then?