“Sooner or later, your schtick will wear thin, in half empty halls.”

This classic song by Nardwuar The Human Serviette & The Evaporators is dedicated to President Obama.

He began his re-election campaign today in a half empty stadium in Ohio.

Mr. Obama’s advance team really screwed the pooch on this one.

The story is not his speech, or his campaign, but the empty seats.

It is a long way to November. But this is not a good omen for Mr. Obama.

“Sooner or later, your dream will crash, in half empty halls.”

Everybody Sing!

My New Mitt Romney Song
(Lexington Green, 2012)

(Sung to the Tune of “Give me that Old Time Religion”)


I’m votin’ for Mitt Romney
I’m votin’ for Mitt Romney
I’m votin’ for Mitt Romney
He’s good enough for me


He’s not Barack Obama
He’s not Barack Obama
He’s not Barack Obama
That’s good enough for me

He can beat Barack Obama
He can beat Barack Obama
He can beat Barack Obama
That’s good enough for me

(Repeat until Tuesday, November 6, 2012)

Please feel free to make up as many additional verses as you want.

Instrumental accompaniment may include: handclaps, banjo, clarinet, tin whistle, accordion, maraccas, farfisa, harmonica, tambourine, drums, sousaphone, foot stomps, kazoo, harpsichord, etc.

Works best with one or more alcoholic beverages.

Early and Often

I Voted

The Era of the Creepy-State is Here

George Orwell was more right than he knew….

Congress passed a law – by unanimous consent in the Senate and by a suspension of rules in the House – to permit the Federal government to arbitrarily arrest and imprison for up to ten years members of the serf class (formerly known as “American citizens”) whose presence annoys or offends specially designated members of the elite and foreign dignitaries. A list that will no doubt expand greatly in future legislation to include very “special” private citizens.

Think about that, future “Joe the Plumbers” or Cindy Sheehans, before you ask an impertinent question of your betters or wave your handmade cardboard sign. Is ten seconds of glory on your local ABC affiliate news at 5 o’clock worth that felony arrest record and federally funded anal exam?

No? Then kindly shut your mouth, sir. Learn your place.

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Quote of the Day

Michael Barone:

This election is a contest between a Democrat who wants to make this country more like Tocqueville’s France and Republicans who want to keep it more like Tocqueville’s America. The liberal bloggers are rooting for France.