Orwell on Reid

Listening to Harry Reid on Bush’s speech, an Orwell quote comes to mind: “The quickest way to end a war is to lose it.”

But then, Orwell generally had a good eye–sometimes for the personal as well as the public: “Each generation imagines itself to be more intelligent that the one that went before it, and wiser than the one that comes after it” isn’t bad, either.

By the way, does anybody know if Orwell ever said anything about the Geneva Convention or of the use of narrative techniques in reporting?

And a very merry Christmas to you, too

What a jolly chap was Ebenezer Scrooge even before his conversion by the ghost of Jacob Marley and attendant spirits. He would not have been allowed on the Teachernet website that had been developed by the UK Department of Education as a resource for teachers. Its purpose is to assist teachers in their attempts to make Christmas a happy and wondrous experience for their little charges. So what sort of advice did the website (now withdrawn, according to the DoE) give?

Well, apparently it is vital that children do not get scared by Father Christmas. If a school was planning a visit by Santa Claus (I am delighted to hear that there are still non-pc schools that plan such things) teachers must make sure that fearful children are near an exit. The same planning is to apply to pantomime visits.

In itself that is not such a terrible advice. Some young children do get scared, though not by the ho-ho-ing Father Christmas so much as by the villains in the pantomime. In fact, very young children are not really a suitable audience for pantomimes with hissing villains. But surely, that is something teachers and parents can work out for themselves. Apparently not.

The rest of the advice was a little more specific and, according to some, completely off the wall. It seems teachers were to discourage children from sending cards to their fellow pupils because that wastes paper.

Head teachers were advised to hold school assemblies with the theme of “the aftermath of Christmas” in which children were to act out the opening of presents and advent calendars (which should all have been opened by Christmas Eve anyway, but perhaps the creators of Teachernet don’t know it) and throwing the paper on the floor to highlight the waste of paper at Christmas.

Teachers were to discourage children from giving wrapped presents and encourage them to give “experience” presents such as breakfast in bed for their parents. What kind of a mind describes breakfast in bed as an “experience present”? Not to mention the fact that if we are talking about really young children, breakfast in bed may not be a particularly peaceful experience for the harassed parents.

The truth is that most parents treasure presents and cards that their young offspring create for them. My bookshelves are still covered with drawings and creations given to me by my daughter at a young age. Like most mothers I would not swap those daubs for anything in the world. But what makes them special is the creativity and the desire to give behind them. To reduce it all to an avoidance of paper wastage presupposes a mind that is akin to that of the White Witch’s in “The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe”, under whose rule it was always winter and never Christmas. And, of course, now that I think of it, those drawings and paper boxes and models would be discouraged by the rules on Teachernet as well. After all, it is all a waste of paper.

And for entertainment? Well, non-competitive games, of course. All shall have prizes and “pass the parcel” is to be outlawed as it could cause anxieties in children who did not win.

The Department came under a good deal of criticism from parents’ groups and the National Confederation of Parent Teacher Associations, in response to which it said “wasn’t me, sir”, and removed the advice, muttering that this was not government policy (do they have a policy on Christmas?) and, anyway, they were not responsible for the content of the website they hosted.

Meanwhile, in another burst of Christmas jollity, it has emerged that the UK banks do not recognize the British Forces Post Office (BFPO), the address used by soldiers serving in Iraq and Afghanistan as being legitimate under recently introduced anti-fraud rules. And that, in turn, means that the soldiers cannot order presents on the internet to send home to their families. Which is, of course, just what the anti-fraud rules were introduced for.

Questions have been asked in Parliament and Apacs, the UK banking association has promised to correct the rules. Unfortunately, they added, it is unlikely to be before Christmas.

Bah humbug does not really do any of this justice.

The Rule of Law in International Context

Here’s an excellent round-table discussion about, mainly, the trial of Saddam Hussein in the context of international power politics. Well worth reading in full.

Themes that I wish participants had had time to discuss in more depth were 1) implications for China’s leaders of our treatment of mideastern dictators (Glenn Reynolds touched on this point) and 2) the suitability of exile as an inducement to dictators to avoid war.

The forum participants who weighed in on the exile question were unanimous that it could be a good tactic. I am skeptical, however, as I think that the implicit availability of exile creates perverse incentives for dictators to cause as much trouble as possible short of war. Saddam Hussein could have safely continued his massacres and WMD development up until the last possible moment, knowing that the USA would not attack without warning and that if his bluff were called he could always accept a comfortable exile.

Much better, I think, would be a policy of targeted assassination to increase the personal risk faced by dictators and their henchmen who refuse to behave. Such a policy appears to have worked well for Israel in its dealings with the Palestinian terrorist leadership. The risk continuum should be such that perpetrators of increasingly bad acts face increasing personal risk — instead of our killing the small fry while offering an implicit “get out of jail free” card to the people at the top.