For background on just how awful a person I am, start with my first installment of the Tea Party Bozo Show. Â Read all the slams on my breach of protocol against Senate Candidate Joe Miller. Â Once finished, read on.
Joe Miller
Tea Party Bozo Show
Miller cites Communist East Germany as effective in dealing with border security
The scuffle between the editor of Alaska Dispatch and Joe Miller’s security guards at a public forum in Anchorage late Sunday is getting much national attention today. Getting lesser but growing attention is Miller’s answer at the forum to a question from the audience about how he would deal with illegal immigration. Anchorage blogger Steve Aufrecht was there and is among those today who are criticizing Miller’s response that Communist East Germany is a good example of a nation achieving border security. He quotes Miller as saying: “The first thing that has to be done is secure the border. … East Germany was very, very able to reduce the flow. Now, obviously, other things were involved. We have the capacity to, as a great nation, secure the border. If East Germany could do it, we could do it.”
What a blithering idiot!
These apparently are the only choices for Rs these days.  A class of in-bred crooks who serve the functional equivalent of perverted uncles molesting American principles, or a class of pseudo articulate ass-clowns.
Oh well, the upside is that I’ll likely get my wish that Rs don’t get the senate. That’s a nice silver lining.