Memo: You First, Maxine

From: Sgt. Mom
To: The Hon. Maxine Waters,
Re: Telling the Tea Party to Go to Hell

1. Dear Maxine, when I call into memory the particulars regarding your district, I can only assume that you are already well acquainted with Hell, and the audience you were addressing with your recent inflammatory and insulting diatribe are a pretty fair assembly of your constituents. So nice to see that you are upholding the new civility in our political discourse.

2.  Allow me to enlighten you – or bring it to your own awareness – that the so-called Tea Party is a leaderless and distributed insurgency of involved and patriotic citizens united by three basic concerns: fiscal responsibility, strict dedication to the precepts for self-government outlined in the Constitution, and an affection for free markets – which is not anything like crony capitalism, as is practiced among the current corruptocracy. A limited federal establishment, state and local control, and a high degree of personal responsibility also come into it.

3. I can also see why this Tea Party political tendency would greatly concern a certain kind of long-established political parasite; that kind of machine-based, racial-grievance charlatan who battens onto the American body politic like a tick, exploiting the life-blood of the Republic no less than the woes and miseries of their constituencies for decades. A new political class imbued with devotion to Tea Party principles is very likely viewed by such a politician as akin to the approach of someone with a pair of tweezers and a hot match . . . I only draw the parallel. You may take that simile as far as you like.

4. Finally, I expect that within my lifetime, there will be another person of color – man or woman elected to the Presidency of this country. He – or she – will definitely not be a product of the corrupt special interest, racial-grievance chasing, big-city machine-oligarchy. They will most likely come out of the larger business world or the military . . . and very likely will be Tea Partiers. This will probably not please you, but life is just full of these little tragedies.

5. Bless your heart, Maxine – you have a nice day, you hear?

I remain, most sincerely,
Sgt Mom

(Cross-posted at The Daily Brief)

7 thoughts on “Memo: You First, Maxine”

  1. “Dear Maxine, when I call into memory the particulars regarding your district, I can only assume that you are already well acquainted with Hell, and the audience you were addressing with your recent inflammatory and insulting diatribe are a pretty fair assembly of your constituents.”

    Why, this is Hell, Maxine, nor are you out of it.

  2. She has avoided the consequences of her self dealing with her husband’s bank in the fiscal free for all but the day is coming when Issa or someone else will have her in the hot seat. I see jail in her future.

  3. When Trent Lott spewed his vitriol at a certain segment of America’s population then President George Bush wasted little time to take to the podium and publicly rebuke his fellow Republican.

    Fast forward 10 years and our current “post-partisan” President fails to show the same leadership and moral compass when it’s a Democrat spewing vitriol. It’s stunning that such a weak man is President of the Unites States.

  4. Hell has no limits, nor is circumscribed; for where Maxine is, is Hell, and where Hell is, there she must be.
    –with apologies to Christopher Marlowe

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