brown = change

5 thoughts on “”

  1. *measured golf clap*

    Lord almighty, I am enjoying the tears and rage of the collectivist side of the aisle.

  2. *measured golf clap*

    Lord almighty, I am enjoying the tears and rage of the collectivist side of the aisle.

  3. There is a trend here; first VA & NJ, with MA–we may have a trend. Just hope the GOP doesn’t screw-the-pooch yet again.

  4. Random rushed thoughts:

    1. Yeah!

    2. Michael Kennedy is right: Brown’s a good retail politician who has impressed me with his ability to field questions. I don’t know what he will be like as a Senator, but still, for now, yeah!

    3. What is wrong with Glenn Beck? Okay, dude’s an undisciplined infotainment goof who highlights the excesses of this administration very well, but still, Brown’s minor gaffe in his victory speech is just that. A minor gaffe, an “awwww Dad” moment, a no big deal thing. Add to the article in my Dad’s India Abroad about Glenn Beck riffing on the “dirty Ganges” or something, and I am so irritated with the Beck. Dude, you just had on a bunch of African American conservatives on your show complaining how hard it is, culturally, to be a brown conservative, at times because of the Uncle Tom stuff. And then, you go and get one of your riffs published in India Abroad and turn off some of my independent minded and voting – but leaning right – relatives? Thanks for nothing, dude, really helping out the team. Yeah, I know, he’s probably a good guy and I sometimes enjoy his anti-big gov riffs – I was just irritated… .

    4. There was a commenter at Pajamas Media, David Thompson I think, who said you have to keep an eye, continually, on politicians. It’s not about magically getting a Reagan or following a Palin, or whatever. It’s just working it, every day, in every way, for the principles of limited government.

    5. And, finally, Yeah!

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