Shit happens

7 thoughts on “Shit happens”

  1. Yes! For a long time he was beavering away with anti-administration conspiracy-mongering. Now, alas, he’s been stumped.

  2. I had seen this photo before as a power point, with the following text as introductory bulledted slides:

    You’ve carefully thought out all the angles.

    You’ve done it a thousand times.

    It comes naturally to you.

    You know what you’re doing

    Its what you’ve been trained to do your whole life.

    Nothing could possibly go wrong? Right?

    Think Again!

  3. I had seen this photo before as the punch line to a power point with the following bulleted slides:

    You’ve carefully thought out all the angles.

    You’ve done it a thousand times.

    It comes naturally to you.

    You know what you’re doing. Its what you’ve been trained to do your whole life.

    Nothing could possibly go wrong, right?

    Think Again

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