@TedThorson4506 says:
The current American Left (communitarian) and the current American Right (libertarian) are diametrically opposed politically, and thus have no common ground. No reconciliation is possible.
…which inspired @michelletandler to post a poll: is reconciliation possible? As of this writing, the voting stands at:
–Yes, 29%
–No, 42%
–Maybe, 25%
–Other, 3%
I voted ‘other’, because I’m not sure that ‘libertarians vs communitarians’ really represents the primary factor in the split we are seeing. As I said at Michelle’s post:
I don’t think the current American Left is really communitarian. They use the term ‘communities’ a lot, but their idea of a ‘community’ is basically a demographically-defined group, or a category of people defined by sexual behavior.
What do you think…does ‘libertarians vs communitarians’ really capture the primary factor in the split we are seeing? And, if not, what factor(s) are primary in this split? And, whatever those factors may be, is there a real chance for reconciliation?
Oh boy…
I have a very hard time assigning specific ideologies along a neatly defined Right-Left split. There might be more Libertarians among the Right than Left but would you really call Trump a Libertarian?
Second answer first and that is of course there is a chance at “reconciliation” whatever that means
If I had to describe the divide in the US it would be between progressives/rationalists and what I will call naturalists
The progressive gestalt is based on the idea that there is such a thing as capital-H History and that it marches ever forward, decipherable, and the human world can not only be shaped but perfected by human reason. While we think of a green-haired 47-gender people as nuts, they are in fact for a lack of a better term rationalists and they are connected to the progressives because they believe that nature can be subjugated and altered by human reason
The naturalists are those who believe that the metaphysical universe exists outside of human reason and that it is the job of human society not to alter (which is beyond our capacity) but rather to understand it.
The American regime as it has existed since 1776 is a naturalist conception. It is based on that which exists beyond our sense experience and independent of us – natural rights, the tendency of society toward tyranny and decay.
On one side of the divide you have those who believe human society can be built on reason and imagination – essentially the role of God – while on the other side society can only be built on understanding the true nature of Man.
I think that sums up the past 150 years quite well
To the blurb in Thorson’s X profile – “Only a national divorce will save limited government” that just illogical nonsense
The progressive/rationalist mindset is part of a larger historical wave roiling across the West stemming from modernity – if you notice Europe has many of the same problems. The idea that a national divorce or whatever will protect you from it is dangerous because without actually defeating its root causes will only lead to tyranny in red America… a national divorce would simply be the last desperate, futile act. And if you can defeat its root causes, then you don’t need to divorce.
How about the dichotomy between people who are on the take and the people who are paying?
Much of today’s left-wing politics consists of attempts to justify claims by leftist constituent groups on the resources of non-leftists.