Is there some kind of football event going on this afternoon?

Misawa AB, late fall, 1977. If it were later in the year, the field would have been under about four feet of snow. I think I took this picture because some of the FEN-Misawa staff were playing. They would have been for one of the larger unit teams – FEN wasn’t large enough to field a team of our own.

1 thought on “Is there some kind of football event going on this afternoon?”

  1. When my team lost the playoffs I had no favorites and took my car club on a drive. Still managed to get back and see the last quarter. While people say this game was exciting – and it was – any close scoring game is exciting – I like it when there are 2 good offenses – lots of passing – lots of scoring.

    Still, one of the better games.

    Sgt – for some reason – since so may of these pictures thrown up on CB seem to be a Rorschach Test – the first thought that came to my mind wasn’t “butterfly” but the football game in the movie MASH.

    Wonder if FEN-Misawa threw any ringers in – you know – guys who were 6’6″ and 250 lbs who nobody remembered around the work place ;-)

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