Sex and the City


3 thoughts on “Sex and the City”

  1. Dude. Nasty.

    Me? Happily married, 14 years this month. Thank God. Literally. Glad I’m not in the “dating” shark tank.

  2. OK, all of these women, if their stories are true, did indeed date some awful men. But they stayed in relationships with them! WTF? First time you see toilet paper sticking out of orifices, first time you realize he’s a bad kisser/lousy lay/libido-deficient, first time you find out he’s cheating on you, stealing from you, etc. etc. etc. – kick it to the curb and move on. Sheesh. These women should have done the therapy thing BEFORE they dated the losers, and they probably would’ve saved themselves a lot of grief and money and …. ick. Just ick.

  3. Yeah. Even allowing that some of these stories were made up or exaggerated, my sense is that like tends to attract like.

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