How we should respond to the unaccompanied minor crisis

If your opponent expects you to pull, don’t pull; push.

The whole unaccompanied minor federal operation is racist to the core. Were a parent in Illinois to put their kid on a freight car to California with the plan that the kid make his way to Los Angeles where a cousin would pick him up, CPS would put that kid in foster care and seek to terminate parental rights. So where are the cases? Why aren’t the state courts being flooded with cases? Why hasn’t there been a federal injunction filed to identify where these kids are being placed so that the state child protective services can start files? Why are we treating these kids differently than we would if they were american kids with a similar fact pattern.

Why do we even need to go to court at all to assure that all levels of government are able to do their duty? Why is the Obama administration not only not taking care that these kids not fall between the cracks but are shoving them into the cracks as deep as they possibly can with their refusal to inform state authorities where these kids are?

You can be assured that the termination of parental rights (and thus rights for the parents to get visas if these kids are ever legalized) will change the calculus that sends these children alone across the border, and quickly.

The question I have is why isn’t Governor Jindal, Governor Perry, and all the other governors who are protesting these actions not activating their own bureaucracies to do their job and treat these kids exactly like they would treat any other kid in the like circumstance?

10 thoughts on “How we should respond to the unaccompanied minor crisis”

  1. The question I have is why isn’t Governor Jindal, Governor Perry, and all the other governors who are protesting these actions not activating their own bureaucracies to do their job and treat these kids exactly like they would treat any other kid in the like circumstance?

    It would work, IF we were a Federal republic. It is a border problem and the Federales are functionally claiming pre-emption. They are, usually, captured by Federales, and are being held by Federales, and are being released into the population nationwide with no tracking by the Federales.

    And there is the problem that from what I have heard, and noting that the figures are being deliberately obscured …. by the Federales; that 85% of them are adults or intact families, and most of the remaining 15% are age 15-18 and are gang-bangers/cartel employees.

    There IS a way to bring the whole thing to a screeching halt right smartly, and we all know what it is.

    Subotai Bahadur

  2. American laws were made for a people who respected themselves, respected the law, had self-control, and legion of other abilities not sufficiently present elsewhere and now, sadly, held only by an old, white, dying former majority.

    Our federal state is at least as corrupt as Mexico, where the suggestion of law applies only to those who have no other option.

  3. These children are used to tropical climates. Hawaii votes Democratic. Do I see the kernel of a solution there?

  4. The problem with termination of parental rights: whatever state makes this legal move also ‘assumes’ legal guardianship, i.e. they become wards of the state.
    The foster care system in Texas was swamped before this came down; adding this would turn it into Atlantis.

  5. “Were a parent in Illinois to put their kid on a freight car to California with the plan that the kid make his way to Los Angeles where a cousin would pick him up, CPS would put that kid in foster care and seek to terminate parental rights”

    It’s amusing but this is close to what Robert Wagner, the actor’s, father did with him as a 9 year old. He had a tag with his name and destination and was put on a train to California from Michigan. Of course, that was 1939. His biography is interesting and that is how it starts. His parents followed soon after and built a house in Los Angeles. Wagner became very fond of the porter who looked after him on the trip.

  6. If you want to push try this angle,

    Talk about the biggest problem these illegal immigrants pose to the USA. Awesomeness…..

    Talk about their Awesomeness every day loudly all the time. Call them not illegal immigrants but Awesome immigrants….

    IE, I can now fire my US born workforce that is always demanding their rights and raises and replace them with Awesome Immigrants. My old dishwasher wanted a raise, I replaced him with an Awesome immigrant.

    Because from an employer standpoint, these illegals are mostly (not all but a vast majority) AWESOME.

    A US born dishwasher will by definition be a special case, a teenager, an ex con, a drunk/druggy, or at best, someone with a few problems upstairs. But an AWESOME Immigrant, someone who left their hometown, crossed deserts, rode on top of trains and owes money to some cartel, is going to be an Awesome employee compared to the US born. Let’s face it, you know what you would call kids in this country that show the same get and and go (literally) as the Awesome Immigrants? You would call a lot of them Dr..

    That is the problem that should be shouted from the rooftops, AWESOMENESS….

  7. Because those were tools made to be used against us and are solely for use against us, not for our benefit. As we have forgotten this a Private Contracting Organization called MS-13 has received contracts to remedy our lawless and disloyal behavior.

    South MS-13==>Coyotes==>ICE==>
    ==>HHS==>North MS-13

    “The question I have is why isn’t…. to do their job and treat these kids exactly like they would treat any other kid in the like circumstance”

    Because THIS IS THEIR JOB the coyotes and MS-13 function here as just another arm of the political class, and indeed are working in effect with the border patrol at distribution over the border and other criminal organizations are taking final delivery.


    The function of those bureaucracies is your exploitation and submission, by going to them you make submission. These young MS-13 mercenaries are being imported to put the unruly revenue cattle down and keep you down.

    Look if you’re determined to be a victim no one can help you. And yes wailing to the Press and Lawyers, bureaucrats=Victim.

    No, that’s wrong. The official narrative and hence the Legal policy is that you are the lawless oppressor and MS-13 the victim.

  8. The official narrative and hence the Legal policy is that you are the lawless oppressor and MS-13 the victim.

  9. Let’s face it, you know what you would call kids in this country that show the same get and and go (literally) as the Awesome Immigrants? You would call a lot of them Dr..

    Excuse me, but this is nonsense.

    These awesome immigrants show the same get up and go as someone who is guaranteed a huge payday just for showing up. It doesn’t require great effort to pay someone to transport you to another place- you’re a passenger, as on an airplane or steamship- and it doesn’t require any sort of great learning or longterm effort to cash in, either. You arrive at your destination- bingo, you win!! Now I ain’t a doctor but I’ve heard it requires a bit more effort than simply arriving at doctor-school, and picking up a sheepskin right away.

    Because from an employer standpoint, these illegals are mostly (not all but a vast majority) AWESOME.

    I’m sure they are. But from my American citizen and taxpayer viewpoint, they’re a heavy burden, and those employers are mostly (not all but a vast majority) TRAITORS.

    Yeah, I don’t think well of them. They hire an illegal, undercut law-abiding American businesses, cash in, and if that awesome immigrant has an accident or a family the taxpayers get to pick up the tab.

    Neat trick, ain’t it?

    Plus, they pat themselves on the back for their “compassion,” all the way to the bank.

    May they roast in blazes.

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