“The Narcissism of Politicized Grief”

Judith Weiss attends a discussion session with the parents of the unfortunate Rachel Corrie and a crowd of naive and not-so-naive Palestinian-terrorist sympathizers. Worth reading.

2 thoughts on ““The Narcissism of Politicized Grief””

  1. NO!

    “artists” are completely full of crap?

    I restrain myself whenever madam ann asks the rhetorical question of how she could have attended law school after graduating from art school and how they could possibly be related?

    My answer, which I never share, cuz I like madam althouse.

    They are the two most pompous and self righteous fields of study that man has ever created.

    Thats the connection they have.

    Iritating that someone I kinda like (in a reader liking an author kinda way) is guilty of 2 sins.

  2. Yeah, well, I had to think twice about dating the guy I married since his master’s was in Education, but then he had a widowed other to help support. Althouse’s strength is she isn’t, really, like her “type” – a fact that seems to me often true of bloggers, they are the kind of people who relish explaining themselves.

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