Google to Offer Real-Time Stock Quotes

Great idea and very clever on Google’s part. Not for nothing is Google’s stock at all-time highs.

(via Chris Masse)

4 thoughts on “Google to Offer Real-Time Stock Quotes”

  1. Looks like this is NYSE only for now, though surely they are in negotiations with other exchanges. According to the regulatory submission, Google and other vendors would pay the exchange a flat $100K/month for the price availability; they’re probably planning to recover this (and whatever the long-term pricing looks like) via advertising.

  2. Anybody use/like google portfolio tracking? It’s nice to have a central place to casually monitor your holdings. I’m still using a Yahoo finance account that I set up 9 or 10 years ago. Yahoo was super-impressive at that time, but it seems like they’ve barely evolved since. It’s getting old making every little adjustment manually and not being able to do half the stuff you might want to do.

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