New! – Chicagoboyz Physical Fitness Series

Dan from Madison and Zenpundit demonstrate simple upper-body routines you can do at home:


Lex shows us the super-easy aerobic workout he uses on business trips:


Sometimes we all get together for ice skating:


9 thoughts on “New! – Chicagoboyz Physical Fitness Series”

  1. They can combine it with the other two routines for faster progress. Once they attain a good fitness base they can increase the duration and intensity of their workouts.

  2. This guy is really famous. If you type in “Parkour” in wikipedia you can see links to the French guys that started it and their philosophy. I know Dan From Madison hates the NY Times but I was trapped somewhere and read their magazine and they had an excellent article about Parkour about a year ago with an interview.

    I was also stunned at the start of Casino Royale where Mr. Bond chases a bad guy around a construction site in Africa and they used some amazing Parkour jumping around on a crane way up in the sky.

  3. Being a firm believer in comparative advantage and specialization, I find it better (in marginal utility terms) to pay someone for anything involving sweat, rather than waste my valuable time with my own inept efforts.

  4. Jeeze, I didn’t know I was doing a sport all these years, I thought I was just falling off buildings.

    We forget what the human body can do when fully utilized. Primitive peoples who live with very little technology must compensate by utilizing their bodies to a high degree. I think we often venerate such people in large part because in some cultures, the talents portrayed in video are just the day-to-day abilities the locals use to navigate their environment.

    Some people are genius of body and motion.

  5. We forget what the human body can do when fully utilized. Primitive peoples who live with very little technology must compensate by utilizing their bodies to a high degree.

    Being so poor that you have to use your body to that degree is no picnic. An American I know, who was working in India, told me that one of his Indian neighbors locked himself out of his apartment and casually hired a low-caste guy to jump onto his balcony from an adjacent building. In the old days most people didn’t live long enough to worry about brittle bones, rotator-cuff injuries, hernias and so forth. Even now some people are so poor that eating comes before health or safety.

    How many of these Parkour guys are over 30?

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