Do Not Talk To The Police

This is a great video about your Fifth Amendment rights.   Don’t be afraid to use them.

4 thoughts on “Do Not Talk To The Police”

  1. played for me; yeah, but hit the play button and wait 5-10 seconds. good advice from a def att; the cop’s follow up is even better. i would play it for a pre-law class or a frosh American Politics 101 … what say you, lex? ups the billable hours, but better that than other systems (1. don’t talk to the cops; 2) call your attorney; 3) even if your attorney is almost (emphasis on ‘almost’) as dumb as you (whether innocent or not), listen to his advice and pay the bill). Can’t afford an attorney? one will be provided free … don’t talk!! Of course, it begs the question (rhetorical, of course); whatever happened to the good old days (you know; the good old days, much like the horizon, an imaginary point in the distance that recedes as you approach it; but in reverse, when did being honest, helpful and civic minded become a sign of indolence and stupidity? I know, I know …. have at me. For what its worth, liked the talk. good stuff to be reminded of…

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