New! – Your Vaguely Stressed-Out Middle Class Post-20th Century Haikus

Bless our New Age friends!
You need cancer remedies,
They suggest. . . massage.


It’s the Age of Waze:
Rush hour turns across traffic,
Third World risk taking.


Windows networking –
Still a huge pain in the ass.
Some things never change.


Turns out your girlfriend
Ran an asset search on you.
Time to hit the road?


Many news websites
No longer allow comments.
They can’t take the heat.


Meet the new Gmail –
No one knows why they changed it.
The kids are in charge.


You tell your doctor:
“Send Doctor X the report.”
It never happens.


Behold, Cuisinart.
The motor lasts forever.
The bowl? Joke’s on you.


Microsoft updates:
Your fancy new computer
Isn’t so fast now.


Living on the edge
Once meant cocaine, LSD. . .
Now: carbs and Advil.


Feel free to add your contributions in the comments.

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