New! – Your Weekly Reptile-Oriented “Caption This Photo” Contest

Record your entries in the comments. The winner will receive tremendous praise and a congratulatory email from Chicagoboyz management.

gecko on finger

[See below!]

UPDATE: I couldn’t decide on only one caption. My two faves:

Soon to be bigger than the S&P 500. [Robert Schwartz]


Ok… little up.. little left – not that far left! Ok… now down… easy does it… now, remember what I told you… control… alt… delete! See, it’s so easy, even a lizard could do it! [Sgt. Mom]

There’s also:

You can lead a lizard to a keyboard but you can’t make him blog. [me]

Unfortunately, our prize fund was short a lot of WAMU puts, so our customary payout to contest winners will not be possible this year.

18 thoughts on “New! – Your Weekly Reptile-Oriented “Caption This Photo” Contest”

  1. > “Did you know you can save up to %15 on your car insurance in 15 minutes online? Here, let me show you how!”

    Uh, don’t use AIG?

  2. “Ok… little up.. little left – not that far left! Ok… now down… easy does it… now, remember what I told you… control… alt… delete! See, it’s so easy, even a lizard could do it!”

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