An astonishing article in Time on the 2020 election;

Time magazine, nearly invisible for years, published an amazing story about how the 2020 election was stolen.

We figured some of this would eventually get out but to see it this soon is just astonishing. The author frames the story as one of “saving the election” from Donald Trump but, of course, that is not what it reveals.

A second odd thing happened amid Trump’s attempts to reverse the result: corporate America turned on him. Hundreds of major business leaders, many of whom had backed Trump’s candidacy and supported his policies, called on him to concede. To the President, something felt amiss. “It was all very, very strange,” Trump said on Dec. 2. “Within days after the election, we witnessed an orchestrated effort to anoint the winner, even while many key states were still being counted.”

In a way, Trump was right.

There was a conspiracy unfolding behind the scenes, one that both curtailed the protests and coordinated the resistance from CEOs. Both surprises were the result of an informal alliance between left-wing activists and business titans. The pact was formalized in a terse, little-noticed joint statement of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and AFL-CIO published on Election Day. Both sides would come to see it as a sort of implicit bargain–inspired by the summer’s massive, sometimes destructive racial-justice protests–in which the forces of labor came together with the forces of capital to keep the peace and oppose Trump’s assault on democracy.

It is possible to see this from the author’s point of view. That seems to be that it was critical to not have riots and looting like those which occurred over most of the summer. In order to keep the peace, it was necessary to see that Trump did not win. The validity of the election was secondary, if that.

Their work touched every aspect of the election. They got states to change voting systems and laws and helped secure hundreds of millions in public and private funding. They fended off voter-suppression lawsuits, recruited armies of poll workers and got millions of people to vote by mail for the first time. They successfully pressured social media companies to take a harder line against disinformation and used data-driven strategies to fight viral smears.

That is a fairly good example of “newspeak. “Voter Suppression lawsuits” can be translated to voter ID requirements of any type. The “vote by mail” included the absence of voting day requirements or even signature checking. It was wide open for fraud.

The President spent months insisting that mail ballots were a Democratic plot and the election would be “rigged.” His henchmen at the state level sought to block their use, while his lawyers brought dozens of spurious suits to make it more difficult to vote–an intensification of the GOP’s legacy of suppressive tactics. Before the election, Trump plotted to block a legitimate vote count.

Of course, this is the opposite of the truth. The use of such terms as “henchmen” is evidence of the bias and malice with which this article is written. Interesting are some of the named players. A Republican named is Zack Wamp, Former Congressman interviewed on TV and a failed NeverTrump former Congressman. He was never a “leader” in Congress.

The former Republican congressman sits on the National Council for Election Integrity, a bipartisan group of esteemed lawmakers that have, for months, been studying the 2020 election cycle in preparation for the COVID-19 pandemic.

That is the group organized to steal the election, headed by a former Obama official.

On March 3, Podhorzer (AFL organizer) drafted a three-page confidential memo titled “Threats to the 2020 Election.” “Trump has made it clear that this will not be a fair election, and that he will reject anything but his own re-election as ‘fake’ and rigged,” he wrote. “On Nov. 3, should the media report otherwise, he will use the right-wing information system to establish his narrative and incite his supporters to protest.” The memo laid out four categories of challenges: attacks on voters, attacks on election administration, attacks on Trump’s political opponents and “efforts to reverse the results of the election.”

Then they organized with the Chamber of Commerce, a NeverTrump lobby for globalist corporations.

The first task was overhauling America’s balky election infrastructure–in the middle of a pandemic. For the thousands of local, mostly nonpartisan officials who administer elections, the most urgent need was money. They needed protective equipment like masks, gloves and hand sanitizer. They needed to pay for postcards letting people know they could vote absentee–or, in some states, to mail ballots to every voter. They needed additional staff and scanners to process ballots.

The mail in ballot campaign was part of this and an integral part of Nancy Pelosi’s HR-1 “For the People Act”

Carlson warned of the many dangers of “H.R. 1.,” the “For The People Act,” a nearly 800-page bill sponsored by Maryland Democrat John Sarbanes of Baltimore.

“The ‘For The People Act’ is the foundation of the Democratic Party strategy to control the federal government well into your grandchildren’s middle age.” …

“The bill begins by declaring that — contrary to Article I of the United States Constitution — Congress has an “ultimate supervisory power over federal elections.”

Carlson noted that under the constitution, handling of elections is largely left to the states, but that the Democrats’ bill would essentially nationalize what he called the Californian election system.

“Under our current loss, states get to decide how much fraud they will tolerate: Florida requires you to show photo identification in order to vote. California just wants you to vote Democrat,” he said.

“If H.R. 1 passes, all 50 states will be California — the entire country will have ballot harvesting and mail-in voting.” …

Anyway, it is worth reading the whole thing, remembering that black is white and white is black in the author’s world view.

40 thoughts on “An astonishing article in Time on the 2020 election;”

  1. Which leaves very open certain questions.

    1) In this country [different countries have different social compacts] is government legitimacy determined finally by consent of the governed or by the machinations of those with power?

    2) Under whichever you choose above, is this government legitimate?

    3) Under the machinations noted above, is the Constitution still valid and control the law of the land in this country?

    4) If the Constitution is not valid, either permanently or temporarily, where does that leave all the Oaths sworn to preserve, protect, and defend?

    5) And under all the options above, what if any limits are there on the actions of the people and on those in power in answering those questions?

    I will note that both CNN and MSNBC have called for drone strikes on pro-Trump demonstrations. That Biden-appointed officials have noted the need to “break the will” of the American people, and that William Brennan of infamy has called for using the Afghanistan template for dealing with the middle of America.

    Subotai Bahadur

  2. After all of last year’s riots, the FBI sat on its hands. Only after the Capitol “riot” did they wake up and start using facial recognition software to identify people. Bank of America decided to do its part and comb through its transaction records for people who may have been in the DC area that day.

    Now this: “Democrats Working on Amendment for NSA, CIA to Target Americans as Terrorists”

    If true, this brings military-grade surveillance and collection techniques to bear against US citizens.

  3. Seth Barron notes the difference between real coups and anything that happened on the 6th.

    Thanks for taking it apart Michael and for your remarks about it. They helped – though it is a remarkable affront to take in.

    This article seems to be another example of 2 + 2 + 5 as you point out. A friend was going through Time looking for the article and e-mailed she’d only seen two about Trump, I replied that most of us don’t think an article about rigging an election would be entitled “The Secret History of the Shadow Campaign That Saved the 2020 Election” as if some brave Seals or CIA operatives had in rigging the election actually saved the country.

    As you put it, in their mind they might have thought that way – certainly if Trump had been elected both BLM and Antifa would have been energized and nationalized as we have yet to see them, and the way they are now is bad enough. But bravery hardly comes from guiding these organizations – or for some bending to bullies. Both attitudes – but more the bullying itself – seems to characterize an administration which shows in its daily actions that it has no respect for American workers, for our national defense, for our financial futures, indeed for anything that is American and any future our children and economy might have.

    How much do they really want a revolution so they can put it down – the absence of police on Jan 6, the presence of essentially an army a week or two later and lingering, the deplatforming and the de-jobbing of skilled workers who have honed excellent skills the Democrats little understand and the children not back in the classroom and the triple masking for God’s sake – these all seem like pokes hoping to get responses. Either we say, “whatever you say, sure it’s 5,” or a rebel yell goes across this country. I think that article is designed to say: don’t think that the best option in times past, the great “righting” in a democracy, the next election, is going to work. They’ve got that, too.

  4. Sorry, here anonymous is me. The CIA is clearly going to be part of this new search for terrorists, a search that will last for decades until the last insurrectionist is brought to justice (or to heel or . . . ). Step 3 in a totalitarian state, which we arrived at by actions of a president who tried to decentralize, give back to the people and the states and Congress, more power than several decades of his predecessors. But he is still called the authoritarian.

  5. Another view of the article.

    In November 2019, Mark Zuckerberg invited nine civil rights leaders to dinner at his home, where they warned him about the danger of the election-related falsehoods that were already spreading unchecked. “It took pushing, urging, conversations, brainstorming, all of that to get to a place where we ended up with more rigorous rules and enforcement,” says Vanita Gupta, president and CEO of the Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights, who attended the dinner and also met with Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey and others. (Gupta has been nominated for Associate Attorney General by President Biden.) “It was a struggle, but we got to the point where they understood the problem. Was it enough? Probably not. Was it later than we wanted? Yes. But it was really important, given the level of official disinformation, that they had those rules in place and were tagging things and taking them down.”

    Remember, the French Revolution was begun by middle class lawyers.

  6. Yes, gaming the system, starting well back in time (even years), is much more the typical Democratic strategy regarding elections. They are much lower risk in terms of people not going to jail than things like the lights going out or having to move a lot of ballots to another place to be counted. Identifying the correct coalitions of who has to be in on it and ignoring everyone else, including lots of their own supporters is also what they have been specialising in for decades. Unions, CEOs, left-wing activists entirely of the racial and socialist strains because they are willing to be violent – that’s the ticket. No point in talking to feminists, immigrant groups, environmentalists, LGBT groups, academics, or the thousands of nonprofits concerned with education or jobs or whatever. Those people will bend over if you just promise them dinner occasionally.

    Biden had six times the dark money Trump did. That didn’t come from Antifa or Black Lives Matter.

    Conservatives got lucky in 2016 because Trump had an efficient strategy that could barely capture electoral votes even while losing the popular, but such things are vulnerable and unstable. We might hope to win in the courts because most judges are still honest and some of these shenanigans are so blatant. But that will continue to get away from us with every passing year. Hugh Hewitt wrote “If It’s Not Close They Can’t Cheat” years ago, and we still have not absorbed that. We still want to rely on a well-most-folks-are-reasonable and people-will-vote-safety-and-wallets strategies which are a fine foundation but nowhere near enough. By the time the elections are lost it’s too late to yell and scream and cry foul. It just makes it worse.

    If you can’t be genial and funny yourself over the next two years, and can’t keep your focus on making fun of the issues the drive-by media wants to suppress then work for candidates or news sources that can. We don’t need purity and foxhole friends – that just cost us elections, including both in Georgia. You all know people who don’t much like Democrats but didn’t show for Trump. Refresh their drinks. Remind them of the latest Biden corruptions when you see them. Tell them how much you like that new young woman who is running for Congress. Learn to tell a joke. Be willing to show up and do the boring work of making phone calls, trying to get signs placed, arranging interviews, coordinating videos to go viral. And if you actually have media talent, make that happen.

    If you can’t you don’t really want victory, you just want to complain.

  7. The Time story is … for many reasons, absolutely appalling. It’s as of they are rubbing it in our faces. We stole the f**king election, so we did, through these orgs — and what are you gonna do about it, you red-state Trumpist rubes. LET’S RUB IT IN YOUR FACE ONE MORE TIME AND WHAT ARE YOU GONNA DO ABOUT IT!

  8. A frequent comment over at Althouse has postulated a theory that is interesting. He wonders if this is intended as a “spoiling attack” for something coming along that is far worse.

    The Nixon people called it “A modified limited hangout.”

  9. Mike: Like what?

    My guess is it’s just folks wanting to brag. They put in so much work to steal an election, they want to ger credit.

    I guess it’s possible they think some of the dirtier stuff is going to come out eventually and they want to be able to say it’s old news…

  10. We don’t need purity and foxhole friends – that just cost us elections, including both in Georgia.

    No, what cost “us” elections, including in Georgia, is the endless vote fraud by the left, unchallenged by anyone except Donald Trump and his supporters.

    Hugh Hewitt wrote “If It’s Not Close They Can’t Cheat” years ago, and we still have not absorbed that.

    No, no, no, no. Just no. The pro-Trump folks worked hard in the recent election to take this into account, resulting in the incandescently obvious fraud by the left, because otherwise the demonrats would have been utterly destroyed.

    Be willing to show up and do the boring work of making phone calls, trying to get signs placed, arranging interviews, coordinating videos to go viral.

    Vote fraud, have you heard about it? You list all the typical actions that should traditionally produce political success but fail to grasp the implications of the relentless vote fraud by the left. That is, winning a majority of votes from actual voters can’t overcome the ability to conjure up any number of phony votes as needed.

    Biden had six times the dark money Trump did.

    Which is yet another sign that the usual methods of achieving political success- making phone calls, etc- aren’t going to work.

    If you can’t you don’t really want victory, you just want to complain.

    If only we’d all sent fifty dollars- only fifty dollars– and got the seven hundred percent match- 700% match!!!!– then the gee ohh peeee would have swept to victory in Georgia and saved us from Bidenomics!!1111 Just stop, stop. The GOP has managed to win control of all three branches of government multiple times of late, most recently after the Bad Orange Man won in 2016.

    What did the party do with that victory? It spent its time conspiring against Trump and his agenda and attacking the people who voted for him.

    I’ve had quite enough of this. As far as I’m concerned the GOP establishment and its attached swarm of grifting gloablists can go straight square to He**.

  11. Hugh Hewitt said “If it’s not close they can’t cheat.” The 2020 election casts doubt on that. The real election before counting the fraudulent votes was not close at all. I believe Biden’s vote without the fraud was about half of what it was with all the cheating.

  12. No more doom and gloom. WI, PA, and MI all saw the GOP lose the governorship in 2018, that was massively important. A competent governor (which rules out GA, whose state level officials seem to be some mixture of Never Trump and terrified of being called racist) in each of those and things go very differently. Yes, we’re against brazen cheaters, and 20% of “our side” doesn’t want to win, but it’s not a lost cause.

  13. }}} 2) Under whichever you choose above, is this government legitimate?


    No, it is not.

    I’m not going to cut off my nose to spite my face, but I will assist in, and support, any efforts to bring down or refuse the authority of this illegal coup. Up to and including direct secession, with violence, if needed.

    I think the number of people who are pissed off by this crap is far from minor, and it’s just simmering, waiting for a target of the anger to stick up its ugly head.

    And I believe the abject arrogance of this administration is sufficiently large that it won’t take all that long to ignite the firestorm to come.

  14. We need to remember some good classic quotes that we can say we are referencing…The Founders have some good ones, but I’m partial to Chesterton: “The men whom the people ought to choose to represent them are too busy to take the jobs. But the politician is waiting for it. He’s the pestilence of modern times…What we should try to do is make politics as local as possible. Keep the politicians near enough to kick them…The villagers who met under the village tree could also hang their politicians to the tree. It is terrible to contemplate how few politicians are hanged.”

  15. WI, PA, and MI all saw the GOP lose the governorship in 2018, that was massively important.

    At this point I see no particular reason to assume the GOP actually “lost” these elections in that each of these states has a city that can be used to manufacture votes as needed to produce a demonrat victory.

    In fact I think there is no particular reason to think myriad other elections going back many years were any different.

    I’ll note especially a few Senate races from 2006, when I was a regular reader of Hugh Hewitt. The poles all said the GOP candidates would lose, but Hewitt was diving into the internals and saying that, no this underestimates the number Republicans so therefore they’re wrong. Then, election night, nope the poles were all spot on.

    Amazing, in retrospect. In light of recent events I figure what was actually going on was that the fraud was calibrated to match the expectations provided by the polling. Clever, clever.

  16. }}} Ken Willis Says:
    February 7th, 2021 at 10:13 am
    Hugh Hewitt said “If it’s not close they can’t cheat.” The 2020 election casts doubt on that. The real election before counting the fraudulent votes was not close at all. I believe Biden’s vote without the fraud was about half of what it was with all the cheating.

    More like 2/3rds to 3/4ths, but yes… there was conspicuous fraud. The WaPo’s own figure for turnout was 66.3%

    The number of voters registered before the election was ca: 213799467

    66.3% of that is 141749047 — 141m, well below the 158,542,513 official vote tally

    “Oh, well, that doesn’t count the people who registered on election day at the polls”.
    OK, suppose THAT was 10% additional, which, in and of itself is a particularly unlikely number…
    This makes the “registered voter” count 235179414
    With 66.3% of that number @ 155923951.

    OK, so we’re in the right ballpark, at least.
    Except… problems:

    1 — the entire supposed justification for Vote By Mail was that too many people did not want to go to the polls. And it’s fair to say this was predominantly Dems/Liberals, and not GOP/Conservatives.
    2 — the turnout for Trump was the largest number of votes in US History: 74,224,501
    3 — Biden, however, managed somehow to “best” this by over 6m votes: 81,284,778
    4 — how did Biden, who did not have sufficient support to get 10 people to turnout to a rally, manage to get not only the most votes in history, but clearly, he needed to get most of the NEW REGISTRATIONS to go for him, too. Given that actual physical turnout favors the GOP, how likely is this? See “1”, above.
    5 — especially suspicious once you break down how the tallies worked on a county-by-county basis, which showed Biden trailing both Hillary AND Obama across the board. Biden “won” by miraculous turnout in EXACTLY the localities most susceptible to fraud in 4 states.

    A wider summary of all the improbabilities in the latest election.

    Excuse Me While I Call BS
    Excuse Me While I Call BS: In Arizona
    Excuse Me While I Call BS: In Michigan
    Excuse Me While I Call BS: In Pennsylvania
    Excuse Me While I Call BS: In Arizona
    Excuse Me While I Call BS: In Georgia

    I concur, there was no trout in the milk… but the milk bucket has so many minnows in it, there’s simply not much room left for milk there.

  17. I remember Hugh Hewitt talking as if Romney was going to win in 2012, which made me permanently write him off as a serious commentator. First, Romney was garbage, and second, he obviously had no chance. (It’s amazing to me how much commentators don’t see that McCain was “next” after GWB only because he came in 2nd because a lot of the base didn’t want another Bush and he was the last one standing, and then Romney was “next” because more of the base didn’t want McCain, and Romney stayed in longest, and then they went with Trump as a complete and total rejection of the establishment. Just incredible to me that people don’t see what that means.)

  18. A frequent comment over at Althouse has postulated a theory that is interesting. He wonders if this is intended as a “spoiling attack” for something coming along that is far worse.

    Considering that they’ve essentially admitted that they rigged the election, I can hardly imagine anything that could be worse.

  19. Xennedy:

    How about a Democrat Verordnung des Reichspräsidenten zum Schutz von Volk und Staat suspending a) elections, b) replacing Congress with rule by decree and “administrative professionals”, and c) suspending the Constitution for the duration of “the emergency”.

    I can imagine the . . . orgasmic sounds of any Democrat who reads the above.

    Subotai Bahadur

  20. Considering that they’ve essentially admitted that they rigged the election, I can hardly imagine anything that could be worse.

    I could. How about a “climate shutdown?

    A leading U.N. economist who advises European governments last week sent up a trial balloon via an article titled “Avoiding a Climate Lockdown,” arguing that in “the near future, the world may need to resort to lockdowns again — this time to tackle a climate emergency.”

    “Under a ‘climate lockdown,’ governments would limit private-vehicle use, ban consumption of red meat, and impose extreme energy-saving measures, while fossil-fuel companies would have to stop drilling,” wrote Mariana Mazzucato, a University College London economics professor who is a member of the U.N. Committee on Development Policy. “To avoid such a scenario, we must overhaul our economic structures and do capitalism differently.”

    The Biden script writers might be crazy enough. We’ll see.

  21. How about a Democrat Verordnung des Reichspräsidenten zum Schutz von Volk und Staat suspending a) elections, b) replacing Congress with rule by decree and “administrative professionals”, and c) suspending the Constitution for the duration of “the emergency”.

    “Under a ‘climate lockdown,’ governments would limit private-vehicle use, ban consumption of red meat, and impose extreme energy-saving measures, while fossil-fuel companies would have to stop drilling,” wrote Mariana Mazzucato, a University College London economics professor who is a member of the U.N. Committee on Development Policy. “To avoid such a scenario, we must overhaul our economic structures and do capitalism differently.”

    Uhm, I was thinking of an admission of something in the past worse than rigging the election, not their next deranged set of schemes.

    Anyway, I still recall a comment I read a long time ago, made by a former army officer. He wrote, never give the men an order you know they will not obey.

    I think we’re getting near the breaking point, because these folks don’t seem to have the capacity to imagine that they’ll issue an order that won’t be obeyed. They get further and further away from reality and think nothing is wrong.

    They’ve done as well as they have because they’ve managed to avoid taking actions that would inform the vast swarm of pig-ignorant or merely disinterested voters that something is wrong. At this point they’ve succeeded barely, with great and expensive effort, and less well every day. But they’ve succeeded so far.

    Suspending the Constitution or banning the consumption of red meat- to pick two items- are the sort of thing to make even the most ignorant or disinterested notice something has gone badly awry. People who understand what’s actually going on- well, angry doesn’t quite cover it.

    Interesting times…

  22. My guess, like I said above, besides the normal fact that crooks love to brag about their crimes, is that much of this stuff is going to come out eventually through court cases and legislative inquiries. Now They can say “oh, that’s old news, that was reported by Time months ago” and ignore it.

  23. re: pipelines: I don’t understand why the Keystone thing wasn’t immediately followed up by a lawsuit. They went through with all the permitting process, by what possible authority can the president override all of that?

  24. They went through with all the permitting process, by what possible authority can the president override all of that?

    Because shut up, that’s why.

    It’s the same reason why the leftists who spent months burning cities got off scott free and the attendees at the January 6th rally are getting their social media scrutinized by the FBI so they can be charged with crimes that carry decades of prison time.

    Meanwhile, the gee ohh peeee is busy voting- by secret ballot no less- to keep Liz Cheney in her leadership post, despite manifest hostility against her by the people of her own district. Of course they’re voting by secret ballot so each individual member can lie to their constituents and claim that they personally voted to give her the boot- but all the GOPes voted to keep her!

    I’m done. The GOP has no reason to exist because it simply refuses to represent the people who vote for it. And events indicate that it effectively does not exist now either, courtesy of its sheer rampaging irrelevance. Stick the fork in them, they’re toast.

  25. In ’16, I was an “anybody but Hillary” voter….wasn’t a fan of Trump, but HATED Hillary. I voted for Gary Johnson since he had at least been a governor, but was prepared to vote for Trump if it looked like MO was going to be close (it wasn’t).

    But since the ’16 election, it now appears to me that election was the first real “will of the people” election in many years. Let’s start with ’88, as that was the first POTUS election I was eligible to vote in, and subsequent elections:

    Bush the Elder vs Dukakis
    BtE vs Clinton
    Clinton vs Dole
    W vs Gore
    W vs Kerry
    Obama vs McCain
    Obama vs Romney

    What’s the common denominator? They’re all insiders, part of the club, regardless of party. The big money groups always try to make sure the primaries yield two “safe” candidates, controllable puppets. They don’t care who wins, either is acceptable; they hold the election to give the rubes the illusion their votes matter. The Uniparty runs the show, and -R and -D is largely irrelevant

    But Trump got through the wire in ’16; everyone was laughing when he announced, saying “what business does a reality TV show host have running?” All the big donor money in the GOP primary was headed to Jeb!, as a Jeb! vs Hillary election was exactly what the doctor ordered, far as the globalists were concerned. They started to get nervous when he secured the nomination, and was drawing rock-star crowds at rallies. The whole Crossfire Hurricane FISA scam started in August of ’16, as the powers that be started to get nervous he might actually win. That was their “insurance policy,” exactly as described in the lovebirds Sztrok and Page texts.

    He won, the WaPo ran an editorial calling for his impeachment the day he was inaugurated. Then came Mueller’s illegitimate clown show for two years….then the “Ukrainegate” impeachment fiasco. The reason the establishment reacted so vehemently was he was never supposed to EVER be POTUS…he was independently wealthy, an outsider, who didn’t need the pieces of silver from the establishment.

    And so the covid panic was manna from heaven for the establishment. “Mail in voting is the way to go to be safe!!!” was the mantra, which is exactly where the fraud occurred, in states that illegally changed their election laws; the constitution explicitly tasks state legislatures with drafting/modifying election laws, not SecStates, or election board, or governors, or state supreme courts. But courts refused to hear cases, probably because they didn’t want their homes firebombed or families doxxed by the Democrats’ modern day version of the Sturmabteilung, aka Antifa.

    We have let Mr. Franklin down….we couldn’t keep the Republic. We’re now a fascist oligarchy, but instead of the 1930s Nazis getting cozy with Krupp, Rheinmetall, IG Farben, Siemens, etc etc, we have the Dems (and GOPe tools like Romney) aligning with big tech and the corporate media to suppress “bad” speech, cancel people guilty of badthink, ostracizing Trump supporters, etc….heck, I wager a majority of Dems would like to force Trump supporters to wear a scarlet “T” on their arms, a modern day version of a yellow Star of David.

    The Democrats, corporate media and big tech all see Orwell’s “1984” as an instruction manual, not a cautionary warning.

  26. The reason the establishment reacted so vehemently was he was never supposed to EVER be POTUS…he was independently wealthy, an outsider, who didn’t need the pieces of silver from the establishment.

    Exactly !

    The plan now, I suspect, is to teach those Trump voters that they have no business trying to intrude on adult business, like graft and corruption. Imagine if we had the Spoils System still. Trump could have eliminated 50,000 federal employees and hired 50,000 who would do as good a job. Better to fire 100,000 and hire 50,000.

  27. In the same alternative world where what this article describes is “fortifying of democracy,” CNN considers Tanden from “the center left”: “I know there have been some concerns about some of my past language on social media, and I regret that language and take responsibility for it,” Tanden, a former adviser to Hillary Clinton and the president of the center-left Center for American Progress, told a Senate committee.

  28. At the moment, I have to say that my crystal ball says Trump sits back, stays quiet, and makes a triumphant comeback in 2024, because the Dems are going way too far already and things are going to be so grim. It’ll be like his comeback from bankruptcy, he can say he’s learned a lot of lessons, people will be nostalgic for pre-covid days, etc.
    I’m not sure it’s a great idea, but barring some other outsider to take up the populist cause, that’s what I see happening.

  29. what’s amazing is the way in which the Left and the Democrats work AS A TEAM to achieve their goals. Left-wing lawyers, judges, media executives, journalists, politicians, Union bosses, NGO heads, Wall street Billionaires, social media giants, advertising agencies, etc. all march in lockstep, chanting the party line, and executing the “Game Plan”.

    Meanwhile, poor trump couldn’t get members of his own Senate, his own party, or his own cabinet, to help him out. These people were willing to lie, backstab, and fall on their swords, but only to HURT Trump – not to help him.

    It reminds me of 1917-1918 Russia. And I don’t see it ending well for normal people.

  30. great post Rondo. Looking back on it, I feel like a fool. what was point of caring whether McCain/Romney or Obama got elected? Or Bush/Dole vs. Clinton. I might as well have stayed home.


  31. I may have posted this before, but here is McCain’s 2008 “Short List” for VP’s based on the latest McCain biography:

    1) Joe Lieberman – liberal Democrat
    2) Charlie Christ – now a liberal Democrat
    3) Mike Bloomberg – now a liberal Democrat
    4) Mitt Romney – might as well be a liberal Democat
    5) Tim pawlenty – ???
    6) Sarah Palin – destroyed by McCain’s staff

  32. Rcocean .. I’d put Pawlenty in the same camp as Romney

    from Wiki

    In February 2018, Pawlenty began considering running for election for a third term as Governor of Minnesota in 2018, and started meeting with Republican donors and advisors. Pawlenty announced his candidacy on April 5, 2018.[135] He eventually lost the primary to Jeff Johnson, the Hennepin County Commissioner. Pawlenty’s campaign was affected by disparaging statements he made about then presidential candidate Donald Trump. Although Pawlenty eventually declared his support for Trump before running for governor, he said after his defeat that the “Republican party has shifted” and that he was not a “Trump-like politician” in the “era of Trump.” He said he was ending his career in politics.

  33. Meanwhile, poor trump couldn’t get members of his own Senate, his own party, or his own cabinet, to help him out. These people were willing to lie, backstab, and fall on their swords, but only to HURT Trump – not to help him.

    They are members in good standing of Bushwood-on-the-Potomac. Like Al Czverik, Trump is not “their kind of people”.

    What we should try to do is make politics as local as possible. Keep the politicians near enough to kick them

    What I would like to see, is Congress meeting via secure teleconferencing, with each Congresscritter participating from an open-to-the-public studio in their district (or in the case of Senators, from a studio in their state capital. Keeps them local, visible, and less likely to become saturated with Swamp effluent … makes it more viable for locals to serve without totally uprooting their own lives … makes K Street work much harder for their lobbying fees … and opens up new opportunities for mass popcorn sales (though the local coffee shops and restaurants might take a hit as the seniors start gathering in the studios instead).

    I also think that Milton Friedman has something to say about this …

    “I do not believe that the solution to our problem is simply to elect the right people. The important thing is to establish a political climate of opinion which will make it politically profitable for the wrong people to do the right thing. Unless it is politically profitable for the wrong people to do the right thing, the right people will not do the right thing either, or it they try, they will shortly be out of office.”

    But that will require something far more difficult than taking over the GOP … it will require We the People to stop short-selling themselves, and take back their decision-making authority from The Pedestaled.

    That being said, support the man … not the party. That is a start.

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