Chicagoboyz Like Wildlife in the Garden

Monarch Butterfly on volunteer milkweed which sprouted all by itself this year – taken today,

7 thoughts on “Chicagoboyz Like Wildlife in the Garden”

  1. I planted some milkweed last year to encourage monarchs, but I thought that all the plants croaked. But a couple of sprouts came up all on their own – I assume that the seeds spread. Frankly, I hope that more come up – I would like to have a semi-wild native garden that encourages bees, butterflies and birds.

  2. We’re growing prairie natives (among other things), and my wife thinks she’s spotted 10 varieties of bee in our tiny city lot. Monarch tagging didn’t go so well this year–only about 30. I haven’t seen any for a month–I guess they’ve all flown down to Texas by now.

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